Chapter Forty Eight.

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Next week.  

"So I'll meet you at your house at around six tomorrow?" Mike asks me. "Actually, my house is a complete mess. Id there any way we can go to your house?" I ask him. "Yeah, that would be great. See you then." He smiles and walks away. Mike is in my study buddy for chem, and honestly he's only reason I'm passing. 

I hear a low growling noise from behind me and I roll my eyes. I turn around my find Harry standing behind me. "Down, boy." I try and joke. Instead of laughing, Harry grabs my arm awfully hard and pushes me up against the locker. 

"I don't like you talking to him. He's a tool, and he's just trying to get in your pants." Harry tells me, fuming. "Harry, calm down, he's my assigned study buddy for chem, I'm not trying to sleep with him." I say defensively. "I wouldn'be surprised if you were." He spits at me. 

"Excuse me?" I say, astounded he would even say something like that to me. I know he's been having a hard time losing his Dad, but there is no reason to do this. "Listen, I'm going to do you a favor and pretend I didn't hear that, and walk away before you say something else you'll really regret." I tell him as calmly as possible. 

This time he laughs.

"Don't you try to patronize me, you're my girlfriend, I get to decide who you can and can't see." He says condescendingly. I push his chest back slightly so I can walk away, but he slams his arm against the locker, blocking my path. 

"Move your arm, Harry." I say, getting mad. It's been fights like this nonstop lately, and he's been getting slightly more physical with each one. Yesterday it got so bad I thought he was actually going to hit me for a second. 

"No. I'm not done talking to you." He says sternly. "I have to get to class, Harry, move." I practically plead. He grabs my face and makes me look at him. "You're not going anywhere, baby." He says, and now I'm scared. 

"Harry, you're hurting me." I whisper. "WELL YOU'RE ANNOYING ME!" He yells in my face and squeezes again. "You're scaring me, Harry! Stop!" I try to reason with him. I see him raise his hand slightly and thank god someone stops him. 

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" Mike says. Harry relaxes the hand that is holding my head in place, and lowers the hand which I assumed was on route to collide with my cheek. Thank god. 

"Listen, you little prick, get the hell out of here, this isn't your girlfriend, and this is none of your business. And stay the fuck away from her." He says, trying not to just walk up and punch him. 

Mike switches his glance to me. "Kristen, don't let him treat you like this, do you want to come eat lunch with me?" He asks compassionately. Harry scoffs. "Of course she doesn-" I cut him off. 

"Actually, I would love to, thanks Mike." I say and take the chance to slip out from Harry's grip. Harry's eyes almost pop out of his head as I walk away with Mike. Serves him damn right. I knoe he's been having a rough time lately, but this is not okay. This is not Harry. 

"Thank you for that. He's never like this. He just lost his Dad." I tell Mike. "Yeah, I was kind of suprised, actually, all I ever see him do is make out with you and tell you how beautiful you are. I didn't expect hi to do that." Mike confesses. 

"I just don't want anyone to think he's like this abusive boyfriend or something, because he's never hit me. He wouldn't." I say, trying to convince Mike, and myself too. 

"It kind of looked like he was going to back there. And if he ever does, just know you can come to me for help, if you want." Mike comforts. I smile up at him and give him a hug. "Thanks, Mike. That's really sweet of you." I tell him. 

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