Chapter Thirty Four.

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Luke. I just got my family back, and all I can think about is Luke. How badly is he hurt? How much blood has he lost? Is he going to be okay? I ask myself. I don't know why Harry hung up his phone so abruptly. Should I call him back? No. I need to spend these last five minutes with Matt and my Mom before I completely enter hurricane Luke. 

"I'm not even sure I want to ask what happened to you guys there. Wherever the hell you were." I say. "Everything in my body used to hurt, and now, it's like I can't feel any pain at all." Matt says. "Your brother went through the worst of the abusiveness. I was used for other purposes." My Mom explains. 

"Mom, you've lost so much weight you actually look unhealthy." I comment. "Dad, don't you think we should get them to a real doctor?" I add. "Honey, there is a hospital wing equipped with the best doctor on the east coast. They'll be okay, I promise." He responds. "I love you guys, so much. I nearly didn't survive when all of you left me. It was practically unbearable. Luke was the one who got me through the initial part of it. Now that I have Harry, he's really been my rock for a while, I can't wait for you guys to meet him." I say. 

"We can't wait either, darling." My Mom says and smiles at me. I lean over and hug my brother, and brace myself for what's to come. "Okay, we're here, so I'll show your mother our room and Matty boy can get his own room." My Dad says. "You have to go tend to Luke, sweetheart." says my Mom. "But Mom he's probably in surgery and I haven't seen you guys in years! Luke can wait." I reason. "He's stuck with you when you needed him the most, now go do the same for him." She responds. 

I sigh, give her a hug, tell her I've missed her and jog down to the hospital wing. I see Harry there with his hands in his curls, pacing. His white shirt is now completely covered in the red blood and his sleeves are ripped off. This can't be good. "Haz, what's going on? Where is he?" I ask frantically. He looks at me, and I notice his bloodshot eyes and his tear-stained cheeks. I take his face in my hands and look up into his emerald eyes. 

"Haz, it's going to be alright. Just tell me what's happening. Just breathe for me." I say calmly. "There was so much blood, I couldn't handle it all. I tried to stop the bleeding, I really did, but it just kept coming! I'm so sorry, Kris, I'm so so sorry." He sobs and rests his head on my shoulder. I rub his back softly and look into the surgery room. There are surgeons hovering over his body, and I see them pluck the bullets out of his abdomen. 

Harry releases from my tight grip and holds my hand. "Is he going to be okay?" I ask, my voice breaking at each word. "I don't think so, Kris." Harry says, his voice doing the same. "You know, I always thought that he was just a good for nothing bastard that just wanted to take you away from me, but it wasn't until that car ride here that I realized how selfless, kind, and brave he really was. He told me that he was happy that you would have me to protect you if he didn't make it. He just didn't want any of us to get hurt. He's a hero." Harry says. 

And that's when I lost it. 

Tears start to flood down my face and every bone in my body starts to tremble with fear. He has to make it. He has to. "Harry, I can't lose him too." I choke. "I'm praying that you won't. I really am." He says. I look in the window once more, and the machine he's hooked up to starts to go crazy. I hear shouting from the surgeons and various beeping sounds coming from the machines. They all have a look of panic on their faces and I look back at the machine. All I see is a flat line going across it. "NO!" I scream. I run up to the glass and start banging on it. One of the nurses looks at me. "DO SOMETHING!" I yell at her. She runs over to a table and gives the doctor the defibrillators. He takes them and places them on Luke's chest. I can hear his screaming a the nurses. 

"3, 2, 1, clear!" He yells and a shock of electricity to pumped through the machine into Luke's body. I can see his body jump. "No response. Bump it up to 300." The doctor commands. The nurse complies. "3, 2, 1, clear!" The doctor shouts and Luke's body jumps again. "No response. Bump it up to the highest it can go!" He instructs. The nurse once again does as she is told. "C'mon buddy, you can do it. One more time." The doctor tells Luke. 

"3, 2, 1, clear!" The doctor yells one last time and so much electricity is transferred into Luke's body he nearly falls off of the table. 

The doctor looks at the machine as if it was his kid on the table and waits for a response. After a few seconds, he looks down. "No response. Clean up and take him to the morgue for his autopsy." The doctor commands and starts for the door. I beat him there. "NO! I am not going to let you give up like that. He's my best friend. Try one more time. It can't hurt." I beg him. "I'm sorry, miss, your friend is gone." He says. "NO! I hate to use this but do you know who my father and mother are? Mr. and Mrs Smith. So I suggest you get your wimpy ass back in there if you want to see tomorrow. Try. Again." I finish. I don't think I recognize the person who just said those things. But I don't care. Luke's life is on the line. 

The doctor looks at me for a second and then turns on his heel. "Alright, Gertrude, turn it back on we're going to try again." The doctor says. He places the defibrillators back on Luke's chest, and the nurse presses the button. I can see Luke jump, and I turn my head towards the machine. 

Nothing. "No, no, no, no this can't be happening. He did this for me, Harry! If I hadn't gotten out of the damn car he wouldn't have been out there. He wouldn't have gotten hurt! Oh my god Harry this is all my fault!" I sob into his shoulder. Harry pulls me in to him and rubs my back. 

Just as I pull away and am about to run out of the hospital wing, the machine makes one last noise. 

I snap my head back, to see Luke's heart beating normally again. I laugh happily and start to cry again. I run back into Harry's arms ad he smiles. The doctor pulls out his stethoscope and puts it over his heart. He comes out the door and faces me. "Well looks like he survived by some miracle. Your friend is extremely lucky." He smiles and starts to turn away. "Um, doctor? Wait!" I call after him. He turns around and looks at me. "Thank you." I say and hug him. "I'll put in a good words with my Dad." I continue and he laughs. "Thank you, Miss Smith. See you around." He says and walks away. "I didn't catch your name?" I yell down the hallway as he's walking away. He turns around and starts walking backwards. He flashes a million dollar smile like he practices it in the mirror and yells, "James!" and turns back around. 

He's pretty young, for the best doctor on the east coast. Pretty hot, too. I mentally slap myself and turn back around. I run into Luke's room and grab his hand. "You did it, Luke. You didn't leave. I love you, you're my best friend. And I'm going to be here when you wake up." I say, with a tear sliding down my cheek, which lands on his. "Me too." Harry says from behind me, smiling. I turn around and give him a kiss. 

And we just sit there, for a while. Listening to Luke's steady breathing. Counting our lucky stars he's still alive. 



omg like Luke just had 


no pun intended 


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Love y'all. 


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