Chapter Thirty Nine.

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After the traumatic experience that was first period, the first half of the day goes pretty quickly. Finally, it's time for lunch. Harry meets me at my locker and helps me gather my books. "Hey, babe. How was the first half of the day? How was first period?" He asks. "It was alright. Not as bad as I thought it would be. Turns out I've conquered whatever fear I had of seeing him again." I tell him. "Did he talk to you?" He questions further.

"Yeah, we both actually got sent to the principal's offiice. He stopped me in the middle of the hallway and we just stood there and talked the rest of the period." I answer. "What happened? What did you talk about?" He asks in a worried tone. "Well, at first I ignored him, then he asked me how I was, and I blew up on him. I yelled at him for a while and after I was done, he just looked sad, and hurt. And I have no idea why. He gave me this pathetic sob story about how he came back for me, and how he was so sorry about everything that happened. Then he actually had the nerve to ask who I was with now, and when I told him you, he said that you were 'bad for me'. What an asshole. It was all complete bull anyway. I don't think he's going to be a threat." I say. 

"That motherfucking bastard." Harry swears and stops walking. "What, Harry what's wrong?" I ask. "I need time to think about this. I need to think. And I need to be alone." He says, his voice suddenly turning cold. I look at him with confusion but decide to just let him go. "Okay, I'll see you later then. And I hope by the time you're done 'thinking' you can give me some sort of explanation." I say. "Yeah, sure. See you later." He says and walks in the opposite direction. 

I try to ignore all of the new thoughts swirling around my head as I walk into the lunch room. I find my friends and sit down. "Hey, guys!" I say cheerily as I take my seat between Katie and Bethany. "Hey!" They all say in unison. "So, I'm guessing you don't have Ebola anymore?" Claire asks me and I laugh. "It was actually mono, but either way I am feeling a lot better, yes." I smile. "Have you picked a boy yet?" Felicia asks. "Yes, actually I have. I've been with Harry ever since he wasn't actually dead." I laugh. "So what about Luke?" Veronica speaks up. 

"As far as I know, he is single and certainly looking to mingle." I smirk at her. She blushes and picks up her sandwich. "So, what's new with all of you guys?" "I think I can sum that up for you." Alice says. "Okay, shoot." I say. "Well, Felicia and I are still single pringles, and the couples that you knew and loved are now no more." She pauses and I look around the table as Claire and Katie nod their heads at me. 

"So, Brian and Katie are done. They got into a huge fight about Brian getting into Harvard, and it ended in a break-up. Older guys are probably not the way to go. Sorry Katie. Claire and TJ are also dunzo. TJ's Dad ended up getting a promotion in Florida, so he moved about a month and a half ago. Ashton and Bethany are going to be voted for "the couple most likely to get married". At least I think so." Alice finishes and takes a deep breath. 

"Wow. Those are some pretty hefty changes, are you guys okay?" I ask them. "Yeah, we weren't for a while, but I think I'm speaking for the two of us that we've officially moved on, for the better." Katie says and Claire nods. 

"Oh, but that's not all. They both have new potential love interests. Calum Hood has had his eye on Katie for weeks, and Michael Clifford asked Claire out just yesterday." Alice informs me. "Oh my god, those are Luke's best friends! Are you guys interested in them?" I ask excitedly. "Um, YES! Have you seen them!" Claire says and Katie nods while laughing. 

"Oh my gosh that's awesome! I can't wait to tell Luke!" I squeal as the bell rings. "I missed you guys so much." I tell them as I grab my books to leave. "We missed you too. See you tomorrow!" They say and we part ways. I begin to walk up the stairs to Science, but someone stops me by grabbing me elbow. I snap my head backwards to see who it is, and I am relieved to find Harry behind me. "Can we talk?" He asks, his eyes darting everywhere. "Sure. Are you okay? You look nervous." I observe out loud. 

"I'm fine. C'mon." He says and leads me down the hallway into the janitor's closet. After I get in, he turns on the light and locks the door behind us. I smile and then frown when all the memories in this closet appear in my mind. "You have to stay the hell away from Jack. He's extremely dangerous." He rushes out. "Harry, I promise, I spoke to him this morning, he seemed slightly sociopathic, but not dangerous." I tell him. 

"No, you don't understand. Do you know my best friends? Louis and Zayn?" He asks and I nod. "Okay, so when I started to get more involved on my Dad's business, they helped me. They kind of became the brains of the gang, working with computers and attack strategies. They also shot alongside me sometimes. Anyway, the point is that one of their jobs was to identify all potential threats. So, one day, they came across the top gang in New Jersey, The Pistols. And do you know who their leader was?" He pauses and I look at him with confusion. 

"Jack Jones." He says. "That is a pretty common, name, Haz." I tell him. I have the picture that they printed out. This is him, no?" He asks and pulls a folded picture out of his pocket and hands it to me. "Fucking hell." I mutter. It's definitely him. "When was the picture printed?" I ask. "About two years ago." He tells me. "Alright. So it's him. He's in New York now, maybe he left." I reason.

"It's not that easy, once you're involved, you're can't escape this until you're dead. My Dad had noticed various warehouses around town being used for meetings and such. We figured a new gang might be moving in, but they seemed small so we brushed it off for now. Kris, if his entire gang moves in, we are going to have a serious fucking war on our hands. The Warriors (us), The Pistols, (Jack), and the Superiors (The Boss)." He says. 

"Why do you think that they are going to be such a threat to us? Have you even heard anything from The Boss lately?" I ask him. "Yes, actually, we have. They informed us that they are recruiting men, which is exactly what we have to do. I've already asked Zayn and Louis to move into the complex. I think Luke os going to the same with some of his mates." Harry tells me. 

"Okay, so what do all of them want? What is the reason for fighting?" I ask him. "Well we know that they all want your Dad dead, which means they both have a common goal." He pauses, nervously. "What? Harry just tell me for God's sake." I say. 

"They all want you." He says, scared. 



so I am going to bring in the other members of 1D and 5SOS from now on.. 

I'm sure you're all okay with that though :) 

keep reading and commenting your thoughts/opinions and reactions!

and don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter!

love y'all.


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