Chapter Thirty Seven.

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"Take me to church, I worship like a dog in the shrine of your lies, I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife, offer me a deathless death, good god let me give you my life..." My alarm clock booms at the ungodly hour of six a.m. Harry groans next to me and wipes his eyes. "That's a depressing song to wake up to." He says in his morning voice. "Well going to school is just as depressing." I retort. Harry chuckles deeply and gets out of bed. "I call dibs on the bathroom." Harry calls as he walk in and shuts the door behind him. 

I roll me eyes and decide to pick out my outfit. I open my oh so luxurious walk in closet that I absolutely don't need, but it's still pretty nice. Should I go with a preppy look? Or schoolgirl chic? Ugh maybe I should just wear sweatpants and a t-shirt. Just as I think I've decided, Harry walks in behind me. "Oh, babe you should wear that black leather skirt." He says nonchalantly. "I think I'm going to go with a less sluttier look for the first day back. I'm just going to wear a pair of skinny jeans and this black lace top that you got me for my birthday." I smile at him. 

"Sounds good, babe." He says and throws on a pair of athletic sweatpants and a Green Bay Packers t-shirt. "Really. That's what you're going to wear after five weeks of being out?" I ask, clearly not understanding the Harry's mentality towards his clothing choices. "Yup." He says and goes into the bathroom to brush his teeth. I put a brush through my hair and decide to put it in a neat french braid. I apply some eye shadow and mascara, and then some perfume. "Harry, could you help me put on my necklace please?" I ask politely. "Sure." He says and makes his way over to me. 

I give him the necklace and lift up my hair as he fixes the clasp so it hangs low on my neck. I wear this necklace everyday without fail. It's very simple, but I love it. My aunt gave it to me, and it has two little charms hanging from it, the letter K, and a paw print. I used to have an obsession with puppies, and I actually don't really like to remember it. I was so insanely obsessed I covered my room with puppies and various dogs as opposed to the Jonas Brothers. It was a rather dark time. "Thanks, Haz." I say and kiss him on the cheek. I put on some of my favorite perfume and slip on my white converse. 

I then dig my backpack out of my closet, and I wipe some dust off of it and do the same for Harry's. He walks out of the bathroom, looking as angelic a guy could look in sweatpants and a worn out tee. Pieces of his soft curly hair peek out of his gray beanie, completing the look. I feel like Heidi Klum for a second, analyzing his outfit like this. But I really can't help it. It's perfect, just like him. 

"Ready to go, love? I think your Dad has a car outside waiting for us." He tells me and I blush at the nickname. "Yeah, I think I'm going to run to the Dining Hall and grab a blueberry muffin first. Do you want one?" I ask. "Yeah, some coffee too if you don't mind." He says and smiles wide. "Yeah, way to use your smile to your advantage. How sweet." I say sarcastically.  

He just laughs and picks up our book bags. "I'll meet you in the car." He says and walks out of our room. I walk quickly to the Dining Hall and hurry to the muffin line. They're so good they have their own line. It only takes a few minutes to grab two and an orange juice, and I jog back to the door. 

Just as I'm on my way out, I see James enter and our eyes immediately lock. Crap. "Hey Kristen! Where are you going in such a hurry?" He asks. "Oh, me? I'm actually on my way to school for the first time in over a month and I'm grabbing a last-minute breakfast." I explain. "High school, yes?" He asks and I nod. "Wow, I just assumed you were so much older. You're so mature and you carry yourself in such a sophisticated way, I just thought you were at least in college." He compliments.

"Aw, that's very sweet. Thank you, James." I say and smile genuinely. "No problem. So, I was wondering if I could take you out to dinner tomorrow? Just as friends, of course." He proposes. "I don't think Harry would like that very much..." I say. "Okay, how about an innocent cup of coffee this Saturday?" He tries again. I think about it for a minute. "Alright, an innocent cup of coffee. As friends. Just friends." I stress the 'friends' part as much as possible. 

"Awesome. See you Saturday." He says and leans in to kiss me on the corner of my lips. He walks away, leaving me standing there, dumbfounded. Did he really just do that? I ask myself as I hold my cheek in disbelief. I then get a text from Harry, asking me where I am. "Shit." I mumble to myself and head for the car. 

I see the big black range rover sitting in the driveway, and I hop in the backseat, next to Harry. "What took you so long?" Harry asks curiously. "Oh nothing, I just ran into Dr. McDr- I mean James on the way out." I say nervously. "Dr. Mc-what?" He asks, very confused. "Never mind. Just a Grey's Anatomy reference you probably won't get." I say with a laugh. He shrugs and unlocks his phone to check twitter. "Babe, we are officially the talk of the school. I mean everyone is literally waiting for us to come back. I'm kind of nervous." He says. "Oh lord, me too. I really don't like being at the center of attention." I say, suddenly growing very nervous. 

"I mean do you think they'll be afraid of us, will they make fun of us? I have literally no idea what to expect."  He tells me. "Me neither." I say and look out the window, realizing we are approaching the school. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck..." I mumble. Harry reaches around me and put his arm over my shoulder. 

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be just fine. It's not like we're walking into a completely different school, we know everyone here, we know exactly what we're going to be dealing with. Probably a lot of petty drama and death threats from Julia, and plenty of gossip for you." He says, starting to laugh. "Yeah, I guess I kind of did miss that part of school. I miss my friends a lot. It's not like they could just come over anymore, you know?" I sigh. "Yeah, I miss my lads, too." Harry agrees. 

The car stops right in front of the school doors and one of the men sitting up front comes and opens the door for me. "Oh god, I am so not ready for this." I say and attempt to get back into the car. "Oh no you don't." Harry says and pushes me back out. "We've come too far to turn back know." He says and slings his bag over one of his shoulders. He puts his hand out in front of me. "C'mon. Let's do this together."HE says smiling. I hesitantly take his hand and we walk up to the doors. 

He pushes them open and everyone who was talking, walking, running or whatever stops dead in their tracks. Each and every one of them stares at us like we are some alien with five heads. A specific Katy Perry song comes to mind. Except I'm the alien (aka Kanye West) and I'm pretty sure they don't want us to "abduct" them. I can feel the sweat coming down the sides of my face. 

After what feels like five years, Bethany and Katie come to our rescue. They come running towards us yelling, "Move along! There's nothing to see here!" and my favorite, "Mob royalty don't like to be stared at! "Don't you dare tweet that!" I smile as they approach us. "Jesus, you guys are like William and Kate around here for pete's sake." Katie says with a laugh. "Yeah, you are the new 'it' couple. You've officially topped Julia and Niall. And that's saying something." Bethany informs us. Harry laughs. "How is the wicked witch of the west and her leprechaun these days?" He asks. 

We all laugh. "Well, just as wicked as ever, even more so when she heard you guys were coming back. She actually threw a hissy fit in the lunchroom. She was screaming, 'that slut had the nerve to come back on my turf', and some pretty vulgar things about Harry that I would prefer to leave out." Katie says awkwardly.

I laugh again and Bethany's expression suddenly turns serious. "Kris, I really hate to be the one to tell you, I know this brings up some really dark things in your past and this really breaks my heart for you, but I have some bad news." She says very seriously. "Well, it can't be that bad, can it?" I say nervously.

"There's a new boy in school. And he's in six of our classes." She starts. "Well, c'mon, don't leave me hanging, who is it? Is it someone I know?" I ask curiously.

"It's Jack." Katie says and I swear the world stopped spinning that very moment.



for those of you who forgot Jack is her first boyfriend aka the guy who raped her.....

he's gonna stir up shit like crazy

keep reading and commenting your thoughts/opinions and reactions!

love y'all.


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