Chapter Thirty.

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I look into his bright blue eyes, and then at the bathroom door. I hear that the water is still running. I look back at Luke. "You have five minutes." I tell him sternly. A look of relief washes over his face as he walks over to the bed. He sits at my feet and looks down nervously. "Well?" I snap at him. "Oh, right. Okay, I don't really know where to start..." He trails off. "Four minutes and ten seconds." I say. He snaps his head up and begins to speak again. "IjustwantedtosaythatI'mreallyreallysorry." He rushes. 

"Sorry about what?" I ask with as much attitude as possible. "I'm sorry I was a dick, there's really no other way to put it. But you have to understand, I was so broken by seeing you two together." Luke says. "Luke, you completely overreacted. He just kissed my fucking cheek, Luke! It's not like we had sex or even kissed! Your, your, outburst at me was so uncalled for and stupid. And then you walk out, after emotionally slapping me in the face, just to hook up with some random slut? I mean holy shit, Luke. What the hell is wrong with you?!" I finish. 

"I know, God, I know that I was wrong. But it wasn't the fact that he kissed you on the cheek that I had an issue with. I watched you two for about fifteen seconds before I stormed in, and it was just so obvious." He stops. "What was so obvious, Luke?" I ask harshly. 

"That it will never be me. No matter what I do, no matter how many times I tell you that I love you, or how I'm clearly better for you, it will always be him. That's what finally broke me. That was stupid, what I did with Rachel, or Rebecca, or whatever the hell her name was, and I'm sorry for that, but deep down I knew it would never really hurt you, because you have and always had eyes for only him. And that will never change. And the sooner that I just get over it, the better it will be for the both of us." He says, and a tear slides down his cheek. 

I suddenly feel a pang of guilt and sadness, and I reach up to wipe his tear away, my hand lingering on his cheek. He puts his hand over mine and smiles at me. "I've missed you Luke, I would be lying if I said I haven't. But I need my best friend back. Harry is back now, and I'm in love with him. As far as I know, I always will be. So please Luke, you and I, we're hanging by a thread, and one more slip-up will cut it. For good." I tell him. 

He smiles wide and hugs me tightly. "Thanks, Kris. You won't regret it, I promise." He tells me and gets up to walk out of the room. Just as the door shut, Harry walks out of the bathroom with a white towel hanging low on his hips. I stare for a minute, taking in his toned stomach and his tattoos shimmering in the lighting. 

I grab my phone from my nightstand and snap a quick picture of the beautiful sight, but he catches me. He goes to open his mouth, but I speak first. "I'm going to beat you to punch and just take the picture, because I knew you were going to say 'take a picture, it will last longer'. So I did." I say and smirk. 

"You are one adorable, sneaky, little ray of sunshine, aren't you?" He says while smiling. I playfully flip my hair over my shoulder. "Yeah, I guess I am." I reply. He smiles as he slips on boxers and basketball shorts. He runs over to me, jumps over me and lands on the bed next to me. "I love you, so much. And I know that we're only seventeen and I already know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He cheeses. "How the hell did I possibly get so lucky?" I ask him. "I don't know babe, I mean I know, I'm pretty hot." He says attempting to maintain a straight face. 

I burst out in laughter and clutch my stomach. Suddenly I hear the loudspeaker on our ceiling start to make noises and then a voice booms through it. 

"Miss Smith and Mr. Styles you are requested in the Dining Hall in ten minutes for debriefing and diabolical strategizing. Don't be late." We laugh in unison and get out of bed to get dressed. 

After we pull on some presentable clothes, we make our way down the dining hall, and open the doors to see a long table with a bunch of scary looking men sitting around it. There are two seats left open, one for me, and one for Harry. I take my seat next to Luke and Harry takes his next to me. 

My father stands up. "So I'm afraid I have some bad news. Apparently the incident in the woods was the "last straw" for The Boss and his clan, and he has officially declared war. I have already called the remnants of my old gang, The Warriors, and we will start preparation tomorrow. I am certainly not worried about this being a serious safety issue for my daughter and company in particular, but some extra measures will be taken." He speaks directly to me now.

"Listen sweetheart. I refuse to let this stupid, dangerous life effect you in anyway that I can help it. So in two weeks, when your bullet wound is supposed to be healed, you, Harry and Luke will return to school, but with guards at every entrance and exit. You will arrive and leave with them, and we will have eyes and ears just about everywhere in that place so it won't be an area of vulnerability for you." He says. I nod slowly. 

"Good. I want to go back to school. I miss my friends." I tell my father. "And I'm sure they miss you just as much." He smiles. "But what about Julia? What are we going to do about her? She's in eight out of our nine classes." Luke tells him. "Just ignore her as much as possible. It's not like she's going to try anything there. As far as I'm concerned I wouldn't even worry about her. Oh and I've also had a new principal put in so feel free to do what you please where Julia is concerned." My dad smirks. 

Harry's father stands, adjorns the meeting and Harry and I walk back to our room. "By the way, I heard your conversation with Luke. I think you handled it great, babe." Harry tells me and kisses me on the cheek. "Yeah, I'm just praying he doesn't blow it again. I really missed him." I say. I know you did." He says. 

I stop in front of an emergency door. "Do you want to take a walk? I really just want some fresh air." I ask Harry. "Sure, but we shouldn't walk to far, we don't want to be seen." He warns.

*One hour later* 

"Oh my gosh, that's actually the most embarrassing thing I think I've ever done in my life." I say, hysterically laughing. "It's not like you meant to hit the garbage can, I mean you really should blame it on our huge backpack." He laughs. "I remember a banana peel got all over your new basketball shoes and you were so mad." I say, remembering the extreme embarrassment of knocking a garbage can all over Harry in the seventh grade. 

"I can't believe it's been an hour already. We should probably start heading back." I tell him. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea." He responds. We interlock our hands and turn around. I look at the ground, and see a little round thing that resembles a turtle. "Hey, Haz, look! Is that a turtle?" I ask excitedly. He smiles and bends down to the ground. He pushes it slightly and an electronic sound is heard coming from it. 

A ten second countdown appears where the head should be. Harry abruptly stands up and grabs my hand. "It's not a turtle, it's a bomb. Run! Run as fast as you can and don't stop. Go!" He yells and I turn and start back toward the base. I can hear the beeps, counting down, and it finally gets to the one, so I flinch and try to run faster. Then something funny happens. It feels like an invisible wall of air shoves me as hard as a tidal waves can drag someone under. In mid-air, I can feel the sticks and branches penetrate my skin, and after what feels like forever, I land. 

I hear a piercing noise in my ears, then I hear nothing briefly, and then I hear Harry land a few feet from me, with a few branches lodged in his back. Tears begin to well up in my eyes, and I reach backwards to grab my phone. I am glad to see it still works. I dial Luke and he picks up on the second ring, as usual. "Luke, ask someone to trace this call, I'm in the woods. There was an explosion. Harry's hurt really bad. Please hurry." I say. He mutters an 'okay, be there in a minute' and hangs up. 

I look over at Harry, who is unconscious. A tear slides down my cheek and I hear my phone buzz. It's a text, from an unknown number. Go figure. It reads:

Boom. Hope you loved our little surprise! 

See you soon!



But I hope you liked this one!

Keep reading and commenting your thoughts/opinions and reactions! 

Love y'all.


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