Rouxé: In Avi's storyline, we're the Kingdom of Rouxé! We fought for our independence from an incompetent monarch, corrupt clergy, and exploitive nobility. It was a long and grievous struggle, but we finally overthrew the king after a final rebellion and forced him to abdicate.
Though we did have a period of total anarchy right after and were ultimately taken over by Belphamine, Levanthia and Io, but let's not talk about that.
Avi: Oh hey I have a new storyline using the same characters and countries, except it's, y'know, new
Rouxé: Does Rouxé make an appearance???
Avi: Uh yeah, as an actual functioning country this time. With a competent king. It's not perfect, but improvements are---
Rouxé: stfu at least make us a state Cherry, we aren't planning to become another Republic of Texas :')
Avi: at least Zepar still didn't get the chance to Napoleonic Wars your ass