Asme: It seems as if there are a number of people who misunderstand the sin I represent. Although a large part in the definition of lust is "sexual appetite", it comes to mean intense desire in its barest form.
Archangel Gabriel: *smile* Your lectures are quite intriguing, Asmodeus, but perhaps it would be better if you found a more appropriate area than Heaven's Sphaera Lunae.
Asme: Unfortunately for you, Nathan, I have a duty to teach the youth before they come to foster misunderstandings.
Archangel Gabriel: Please do not call me Nathan.
Asme: Please do not call me Asmodeus.
Archangel Gabriel: ... *sigh* I will have a word with Ansiel.
Asme: Of course. These barriers' conditions are appalling. Have they been breached recently?
Archangel Gabriel: You do know the answer to that.
Asme: Indeed I do, hence why I decided to remind you. Now, continuing from where we left off... It is inaccurate to refer to lust as solely sexual desire. It encompass a surprisingly wide range of emotions and motivations--- especially in comparison to other sins like gluttony or envy, which are rather limited in accordance to the human race. In actuality, lust is very versatile. Any sort of passionate desire can count as lust, any and all. Lust is fantasy. For example, revenge is typically associated with wrath, but its root is actually lust. Anger is not entirely synonymous with revenge. You can carry revenge without the burn of emotions; just merely from a logical perspective. That is called justice for some. It is that desire for retribution that is constituted of intense lust to act on it.
Rahab: Aha, now isn't it my dear brother. I see you are bothering the masses as usual. Completely commendable.
Asme: Quite a surprise to see you here, Rahab. Interested in my lesson?
Rahab: Of course. Why wouldn't I be? These parts are dull beyond comparison; I almost pity Samael for his imprisonment. Heaven itself is boring enough. The One True God was somewhat sadistic back in the day.
Asme: And to think a benevolent being would deny me any medical care during those hard years...
Rahab: Classic cripple. And you were slightly more attractive with longer hair too.
Asme: It is very difficult to believe you are the same entity as Leviathan. Sometimes I wonder if you should have been the one who fell.
Rahab: Ufufu~ Whatever you think of me, I do find men with your old hair style cute... They say angels govern truth.
Asme: Aren't we divulging from the topic at hand?
Rahab: So easily distracted~ You truly are the embodiment of lust.
Asme: Elder brother and still chided... Angels really never change.
Rahab: Hmm, speaking of elder brothers, I've heard of Azrael's girl having a particular "big bro" fetish. Charming.
Asme: I would never figure you were a voyeur.
Rahab: Not a voyeur. Information merely travels quickly here as always.
Asme: Ah, as utterly dull as it is, I do find Heaven rather nostalgic...
//Fireangel02 I have absolutely no idea why I wrote this, but here you go