Chapter 23

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"I would have gotten ice cream, but I thought chocolate was better for the weather, more sturdy, less melting as I didn't think you or your mum would have appreciated a dairy puddle in your room," Nate informs me as he enters through the doorway in my room.

"Chocolate is good, better than good, especially unexpected chocolate," I state as he finally reaches me and I reach out to wrap my arms round his neck. Instantly I'm hit with a wall of aftershave that consumes me, making me bring him down on the bed with me. "You smell good," I can't help but say as I feel my senses going wild. His hands are on me, my nose is flared with scents from him and I'm revelling in it.

Nate bites down on my upper lip, exploding rockets within me that refuse to burst and die out before he kisses me hard and I kiss back just as hard. Immediately, we move our mouths in sync that the warmth and affection from our lips travels throughout my whole body only enticing me further. His hands lace through mine momentarily, then he reaches my waist, skimming my bum and bottom of my top with his fingers in the process that I grip hold of his hair firmer at the static impulse that surges through me.

He lowers his mouth down to my neck and I keep from moaning, but I can't from gripping his back. It's only when he moves closer that we separate our mouths for air when he moves over me. Even though I need the breath, I also need him. As our faces migrate back together, I start to feel my laptop moving closer to the edge of my bed with my foot under Nate's. Then it all happens in the space of a second; my laptop crashes to the floor, Nate disappears and I'm left in my room alone.

Heavily breathing, I push up onto my elbows, clutching my hands to my chest afterwards. My heart rate is through the roof. It was beating cordially before, but now it's erratically shocked. As I scan my room, I find it to be exactly the way I left it, the only exception being my laptop is now on the carpet. Leaning down to pick it up, I find it to be still on and with a wiggle of the track pad; I find it to be still working, thankfully. Once I know I haven't broken anything, my eyes find the time in the bottom right corner: 6:02pm.

I've been out for a solid hour. A nap you could call it I guess, which is strange as I've never been one to nap. I've never been able to. Maybe that just proves to myself how exhausted I really am. I definitely felt it and I still do to a degree, now with the added feeling of being lonely. Nate isn't here, he never was, and that makes it all the more envious to me. My subconscious mind has played a dastardly trick on me; it's deceived me to my annoyance and only makes me want Nate here all the more for it. But I know I can't have him as he texted me earlier saying he was needed at work despite him only working Saturday's. They must have been very short on staff, or Nate volunteered himself forward eagerly. Regardless, I'm not seeing him tonight.

"Celine! Dinner's ready!" Mum shouts up the stairs to me. Guess I have my own plans anyway.

Monday evening crawls by, but by the time it gets to Sunday I'm left wondering where the week's gone. I haven't had any more exams since Monday's, but I have at least one everyday next week, some days I have two – starting tomorrow. Instead I've been in town with Phoebe for the majority of the day gathering together the last of our prom accessories such as bags, jewellery and shoes for me as Phoebe got hers when she got her dress – when she eventually got her dress. She came back into town last weekend with her mum and selected the blue one that I told her was perfect for her when we were in together. She can be so indecisive sometimes, but hey ho, at least she's gotten it now and not too late either. Prom may be something like six weeks or so away, but I have a feeling they're going to go just as fast as this past week has been.

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