Chapter 14

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Fourth one today, I'm just going for it at this rate, although I think that's enough for one day. More tomorrow most likely. Are pretty much halfway through now too. 

Wishing it wasn't Wednesday, I pull my bed covers up and over my head to block out the ever-intruding morning. Having done this, the sun still seems to find gaps to infiltrate into my room through. To say I'd rather not go to school today would be an understatement. After my dispute with Phoebe yesterday, I'm not ready to be ignored all day.

We haven't spoken since she was round mine even though I've attempted to text her. She hasn't replied except once when she said that she was finally 'sorry,' but I know it was just to make me stop texting her. I think she became as fed up as I was with hearing my phone buzz. Then again, she probably put me on silent. She probably wanted me to be on silent after I blabbered to her about everything. Yes, I told her everything. If she's read everything I've sent her, then she'll know about Phoenix and me meeting him which makes me think about last night.

Once Elvis drove me home (he's actually a very decent driver. I was pleasantly impressed.) I got out of the car and so did Phoenix. I mean, he practically walked me home, despite the car being parked just over the road from my house. It was sweet. No one's ever done that for me before, but I don't know how I'm meant to read it – if I'm even meant to read it as anything. Especially after he said I could keep his jacket after I took it off to give back to him – I haven't, but he didn't seem like he cared if he didn't get it back. He probably has an abundance of them anyway. Regardless, I gave it back to him.

Sighing into my pillow, I think about today instead. And then I remember about the post Joanne made too. God, does everyone have it in for me or something? I'm pretty sure I haven't done anything to piss anyone off with. Having said that, when have people actually needed a reason to just attack innocent people? Sadly, I believe it happens an extreme amount of the time when it shouldn't it. Violence seems to be at the forefront of people's minds and mentally affecting people which is technically what Joanne and her posy do. Walking away is the easy part, but forgetting is the harder bit and even harder when I'm trapped in a confined space at school – also potentially more challenging without Phoebe by my side, if she still wants to exclude me.

Begrudgingly, I stick an arm out of my duvet and scavenge round for my phone on my bedside table. Hitting something solid and rectangular after tapping my drink, I pick up the device and bring it under my den of my bed. However, I soon realise I've brought my phone into the confines of my safe haven. My phone is far from being 'safe,' or at least it hasn't been since yesterday. Who knows what kind of new bugs are crawling over me.

I hit up Facebook first to find the picture still up, but only accessible through friends now. At least she has some smarts about her to take it off public, it's a shame she doesn't also have the decency to have not posted it in the first place. Or at least delete it and the comments now. Baby steps, it's all an improvement, I think as it could have scaled out of control and worsened but it hasn't really from what I can see. A lot of snobby assholes but that's all. Surely I can deal with a few? After my pit stop on Facebook, I brave it to open up text with Phoebe. There's nothing new there. Just a little sign saying read. It punches a hole in my heart and I scrunch up my face as if I'm attempting to sneeze when in reality it's to prevent me from flooding my emotions everywhere. Crying over something that's not necessarily over isn't something worth crying for. If it means anything to us, we'll sort it out. I just hope it's sooner rather than later. Braving school today, let alone anything else is something I'm trying to do without this whole Phoebe mess to straighten out.

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