Chapter 26

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Double upload for today, more later on in the week, but not too many more as we're nearing the end of the story. 

The next few days I take to recuperate from school, lazing around the house. Technically, I sleep, eat and longue around watching some films in between. To actually be able to do those things again, without the mountain weight of feeling like I need to be doing something has been exceptionally pleasant. School already seems like it was years ago, yet also only like it was yesterday when I was out bowling with Nate, Ed and Elvis when in reality it was Sunday. I thought the summer would be slow and relaxing, it just seems to have sped along too quickly already.

Irritatingly, I wake up to a bombardment of missed calls and unread text messages on Wednesday morning. With sleep still in my eyes and only a partly functioning brain, I make the connection between the most recent call, being from Phoebe. The name and the day – Wednesday and Phoebe. Wednesday the 28th of June. Prom. Shit.

Checking the time on my phone I find I've slept in as it's already past ten thirty in the morning. Neither mum nor dad woke me up before they went to work, which is very thoughtful of them, but on the day I actually need to be up early they let me sleep in as opposed to the days they wake me up when I'd rather be sleeping. My finger then slides over Phoebe's contact and an array of messages pop up on screen, too many to count. However, it's the most recent one that my eyes decide to attempt to focus on. You had better be up as we agreed that I'd be round at yours for twelve so we can get hair, nails and make up all done and ready, as you know xx

Knowing Phoebs, she's probably been up since sunrise bouncing around the house already fussing about things. And from the amount of messages I can see, it sure appears to be that way. I do another time check and see that my sleepy eyes had read the clock wrong on my phone. It's actually almost eleven o'clock which only gives me an hour before all chaos is let loose.

Moaning to myself, I begrudgingly force myself into the bathroom. I let the shower get hot, let the water and steam heat up my body as I wash it, my hair and freshly shave my legs. Even though I'm wearing a dress that touches the floor, I still bother with the chore. If I'm going to this event, I might as well go all out.

After I've finished in the bathroom, I wear my dressing gown and go to get breakfast. However, as I'm pouring cereal in my bowl, the doorbell rings out. Quickly, my eyes find the clock on the oven: 11:40am. Then, whilst rolling my eyes, I march to the front door only to find a very perky Phoebe there. She's adorned in boxes and bags that I can only imagine she's trying to bring as much as she can. I doubt she'll even use a quarter of the things she's brought with her.

"Have you just got out of bed?" She asks as she steps into the house, her bags and boxes in pursuit.

"I've only just woken up. We can't all be up at the crack of dawn," I say, waving off her questions as I return to my saddened bowl of cereal. Finding the milk, I pour some in and then I take out a spoon from the draw and start eating as Phoebe drags her things with her like some butler. A suitcase would have probably been ideal for her, though I have no uncertainty that her mum just dropped her off in the car.

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