Chapter 27

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No cliffhanger as I've been kind enough to post this before anyone reads so you can read straight away. Aren't I kind? :)  

Phoebe's mum generously drops me off in the car park as close to the main entrance as she can get at 4:22pm. Although I was quick throwing on a top and shorts and getting a small bag together, there was still some traffic leading up to the hospital, delaying me. I just hope that delay hasn't hindered me, hasn't prevented me from seeing him.

However, it only occurs to me as I'm walking up to the building that I have absolutely no idea where in the hospital he is. I'm not a regular here so I don't even know roughly where certain areas are like A and E, or the children's ward. Asking at the front desk won't help; I know that much as they never give you the information you seek. Taking my phone out, I scan through my messages in case I missed something, some information about where he is, but there's nothing. Why would there be? It's not like hospitals are known for their use of cellular devices. They aren't and again I'm a disadvantage as I can't really just text him for the answer so I have a little wander round the areas I can see.

It's all useless. All I manage to find in the ten minutes I'm searching are things that don't help me. There's a nice quaint gift shop with balloons, flowers and cards, but no Nate. There are hundreds of doors that could lead anyway and linked to a lot of them are multitudes of staircases that could also get me completely lost. I'm trapped in a maze, unable to find the treasure and am somewhat unable to escape. If I go back outside, I'm alone, but I'm kind of even more alone inside too. People are busy going about their days, visitors, patients and staff to even see me. I'm a blur in their vision, a speck of dust floating around with no control.

Three more minutes of me walking round in circles happens and I check the time, about to give in to my phone or the woman at the desk when I think I spot someone. No, I think I spot two people gliding down the stairs on the far right that I know. Unable to actually identify them from where I am, I hurriedly move in their direction and in no time at all, I realise that I do know them. How could I not? I literally only just saw them the other day, Sunday to be precise.

"Hey," I almost shout at them as I approach them walking too quickly that my I barely miss tripping over my shoelaces. Quite a few heads turn my way, but I couldn't care less right now. The only people that can potentially help me are here and they finally see me. When they do, they smile at me in greetings and I notice they let go of each other's hands that they were holding. Are they secretly dating? If they are, I think it's adorable. I need to ask Nate. No, I need to find him first.

"Wooh, hey Celine. Sorry, I didn't recognise you at first," Elvis clears his throat as he looks at my face and it's only then that I remember the makeup and my curled hair. Despite this, he offers me his arms and I accept, hugging him and then Ed in turn after. It feels good to be with some familiar people in this hellish labyrinth.

"I'm going to hedge my bets and say you're looking for Phoenix," Ed tells me, smirking when he looks between Elvis and me.

"Of course she is," Elvis replies, turning to face him. "Who else would come and see him, willingly?" He teases, making my cheeks flush, but then he prods Ed in the shoulder and I can't help but giggle inside. He gives him a glare, to which Elvis returns and because of their similar height, their eyes are set at the same level. Elvis silently stares him down before turning back to face me with a small smile. "Do you know where you're going?"

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