Chapter 6

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Thanks as always for reading and choosing to come back, it means the world to me. Anyway, I hope you enjoy. Things will start to pick up from now onwards too :) 

Without looking back, I make it round the corner and down the next street before I come to a halt. I can't believe I just did all of that – talked back to Joanne, broke my second rule ever in the same day as my first and have walked away feeling victorious, yet defeated.

Slumping my back to the hard brick wall that digs into my back straightaway, I look both ways. To my left there's some freedom in the form of a walk back home. To my right there's the way I've come, my gracious route, but also my walk of shame. Guilt soaks through me because of leaving, but I actually think that I feel more proud of myself than anything. I still think I'm going to cry today, though my eyes are fairly dry right now. The thing that's on my mind, that's distracting me, is that I don't know what to do, or where to go from here.

Going back seems wrong. Moving forward also seems like the wrong thing to do. I'm stuck in the middle of a Newton's cradle. Things are hitting the sides of my brain, juxtaposing everything and anything I think and feel. My emotions and thoughts are all over the place. Moving forward appears to be more prominent in my head though. In some ways, going back is worse as I need to let the situation settle down, for me to cool off from it too. Also, I've already left. To leave further, all the way, it isn't going to add to anything except the repercussions of this that are yet to happen and can't until the day is over. So, I push off from the wall and head down the street.

As I round the corner, I put another street between me and school; I side for the shortcut back to mine. Only then does it occur to me what mum and dad are going to say when they get back from work. They're going to kill me if school doesn't get to me first. This will give me more distance from school though, so when and if I'm found out to be missing, there will at least be the aspect of distance on my side so without apprehension, I slide into the alleyway. There's no one coming down the narrow passageway, so I walk straight down it. However, five seconds later a boy approaches from the other side.

Everything about today goes out the window and is replaced by this encounter, and this encounter only. Is it too late to back away? I'm not even close and already the stranger's ominous presence is giving me chills regardless of the quite warm temperate and despite him being metres away still. Maybe this is my karma for bunking off.

Nonchalantly, I keep moving forward trying to maintain an unfazed posture. Keeping my chin up and shoulders posed, I walk closer and closer to the dark figure. A black leather jacket slopes from his shoulders covering a similarly black top and black jeans – one jagged rip at the knee, on his left leg like the edge of an opened tuna can. Even his hair matches with his dangerous aura.

Suddenly, my mind goes into panic overdrive. What is he's got a knife stashed up the sleeve of his jacket ready to leap out and stab me? These parts aren't known for knife crime, but the vibe I'm getting off this boy doesn't make me feel any less frightened. He's not doing anything to hide his identity though. No balaclava. No ski mask. Just pure emotionless. I can't see his eyes, but if his dark hair is anything to go by, I'm guessing his eyes are too.

If I keep maintaining a steady pace, then it isn't going to appear to this stranger that there's anything wrong with me or this situation. The situation's only a problem if I make it a problem. If I can slide past his figure calmly, I'll be safe from harm. But should I have my phone in hand, just in case? Maybe I should fake being on a phone call. Perhaps even put headphones in? No, that one seems too much of a frantic attack, too panicky and sudden. No, I don't even have any of these things with me because all my belongings are at school. How stupid of me, I'm going to have go back and get everything and I'm just going to have to brave this male for now.

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