Chapter 28

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Double upload, and so nearly over. 

The next hour of my life moves agonisingly slow, slower than a snail's pace that's for sure. I make my way down to the canteen, realising that I've only eaten a bowl of cereal all day. It's more surprising to me that I've made it this far in the day without hunger pangs, but I somehow feel the effect after I've eaten instead. I guess a chicken wrap and a cup of coffee just haven't cut it for me so I end up getting a fruit pot too even though what I really want is some cake.

After eating, I step outside as I still have a good half an hour to kill before I'm allowed back upstairs. As soon as I'm outside, the wind wraps around my legs and I realise that this summer day isn't all that warm anymore. Goose bumps are now prickling my legs and I wish I'd worn baggy jeans instead, even though it's too late to do anything about it. Slipping my phone out of my bag, I see a few messages from Phoebe telling me that she's sorted everything out with my parents. Knowing they've been informed and won't panic about me is settling. On the other hand, I bet they'll still want to ask me questions when I get home. They knew about today – to my knowledge, if they remembered and now that I'm not where they expected me to be, they're going to ask questions, even after Phoebe's clarification. That's just who they are, especially when it comes down to Nate. They want to know everything: where I am, who else will be there and when I'll be home. I know it's just because they care, but it doesn't mean it isn't annoying at times.

When I've done all I can on my phone, a few texts here and there, I decide to go back inside away from the chilling weather. 5:38pm. Urgh, how did that only take up eight minutes? My eyes rove around, pinning onto a little shop. Wandering over to it as I have nothing better to do, I start to see drinks and newspapers coming into view. None of the drinks take my fancy, not after my hot cup of coffee that's still warm within me so I scan the papers instead finding the same there. None of the newspapers seem interesting, but then my eyes land on the puzzle books instead. Sudoku, crosswords, Arrowword, the lot, but it's the word search book that takes my fancy. I've always been good at them and it doesn't take that much concentration to be able to do at times so I pick up the first one I see, along with a pen.

Taking my new purchases with me, I find a seat back in the cafeteria and get to work doing some of the puzzles. Anything to keep me distracted for the next twenty minutes. It's easier said than done though when I keep thinking more time has passed than it really has as I complete the grids progressively quickly. Finally, the time on my phone reads 5:58pm and I take that as a good enough time as any to stop what I'm doing and go back up to Nate's room.

Remembering the route without much hesitation along the way, I'm there in only a minute. The door's shut when I get there acting like it's unoccupied, but as soon as I open it a woman's body swivels in my direction. No, not just any woman, the nurse/doctor from earlier. In her hands is an empty tray with a plate, bowl and used cutlery. She bends down and adds a glass to the mix as I slowly, almost embarrassing walk into the room with my hands together in front of me. I'm not humiliated, but I'm not at ease either.

"Visiting hours are till eight, when I'll return," the woman informs me with a slightly snide comment that I think she'd make the perfect mother for Joanne. As soon as the thought surfaces, I push it away. I do not want to think about her. She looks closely between me and Nate, back to me again before she shuffles out of the room. Her clothes make a rustling noise as she walks and I'm surprised to actually hear her shut the door behind her. That, I wasn't expecting.

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