Cry for a shadow - 12

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August 3rd, 1960

It had been a strange week, John had sat her down and told her something that she didn't know how to feel about.

They were going to Hamburg, the Silver Beatles were to set voyage east to Germany.

She was happy for them, she really was. It's just, they were her only actual friends around here. She didn't know how long they'd be gone, John told her at least a month, maybe more.

But today has been hard.

She couldn't sleep last night. Today was the day they'd leave.
Her alarm had started buzzing and she just lead on her back listening to the sound in self pity.

She was to see them off at 11 but didn't feel like going. She knew she would in the end but maybe they wouldn't go if she wasn't there to say goodbye.

She'd already told John she'd pop over to meet him.

Time flew by. Finn put no effort into what she wore. She had a loose white t-shirt that was by far too big for her on and some navy blue cigarette pants that were also too big. Her dark brown hair was in to messy loose platts with hair sticking out.

Before she knew it she was stood on John and Mimi's front garden path.

She held her hand up to the door to knock but was unable to. Her hand shook and she didn't know what to do.

What was she going to to when they left? She'd miss them all. From the way John looks after her to Paul's exaggerated facial expressions and raised eyebrow, Georges bursts of humour where he goes from being timid and awkward to the funniest guy in the Room. The way Pete leans back and smiles when someone says something funny.

John had even convinced Stuart to join the silver Beatles, he'd got him to spend money he earned by selling his art on a bass guitar reluctantly.

She was about to drop her arm and walk away but it was too late, the door was swung open and she was met with johns confused face.

"Core, Finn." He started, "I was just about to leave, didn't think you'd show."

"That would be silly." Finn replied nervously.

John gave her a weak smile, "come on then, let's get walking, fair distance int it?"

They stayed in a comfortable silence for the walk there. Enjoying and savouring what would be their last moments for who knows how long.

But all too soon they had arrived.
Pete, Stu, Paul and George where around with a few friends and family.

Petes mum, Mona, was there to see him off. A few of Stu and Johns art friends where there - including Cynthia. Paul's dad and brother had come to say farewell. Yet George was on his own.

Finn turned to John, have him a quick smile, holding back tear, and walked in George's direction.

"Alright, Finn." George smiled, excitedly.

She shrugged in response, not looking at him in fear of bursting into tears any moment.

"Hey," George started - getting Finn to look at him, "y'know I was wondering sommet."

"And what is that?"

"Well, we're gonna be gone for a while aren't we?" He continued, "I'm gonna miss out on a lot over here."

"What are you saying, George?" Finn asked, confused.

"Write to me?"

Her heart fluttered like the butterflys in her stomach as the blood rushed to her face. Her eyes quickly fell back to the ground and she held her arms behind her back.

"You'll have to send the first one so I know where to write to."

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