#12 You Get Back Together (Continuance of You Break Up)

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Thomas –

You sit in your new room. Your previous room was shared with Thomas and you had arranged with Alby that you are assigned to a new bedroom. A burning hot tear rolls down your cheek ad splashes onto your arm. You wipe your face and settle yourself in, unpacking your clothes and making your bed. As you finish changing and getting ready to sleep, you hear a knock on the door. You turn around and see Thomas standing at the door.

“Leave me alone,” you say, turning around on the bed and facing away from him. “There’s nothing going on between me and Teresa.” Thomas’ voice is filled with sadness and it makes your heart fill with sympathy. “I have just got a special connection with her,” Thomas continues. “Yeah, I can really feel the chemistry,” you reply sarcastically, burying your face in the pillow. “No, I realised that Teresa and I can telepathically communicate.” “See?! It’s obvious that you two were made for each other!” you shout, raising your face from the pillow and glaring at Thomas. Thomas shakes his head. “Well, if we do, I don’t feel the same as when I do with you.” You look down, hiding your blush, but Thomas walks over to you and lifts up your chin. “And I mean it,” he says, before his lips met with yours. Hip warm lips moved in synch with yours. The kiss brought back memories of when you and Thomas were a couple. You break away from him, gasping for air.  An impulse caused you to wrap your arms around Thomas’ neck and pull him into a close hug. He nestles his face in your hair and sighs. “I miss you being in my room.” “I haven’t been gone for three hours!” you exclaim. But like a flash, Thomas was at the pile of clothes you had neatly piled. He picked them up and left the room. You roll your eyes and gather your belongings before walking back to Thomas’ room.

Newt –

You haven’t spoken to Newt in just under a week. Newt has approached you several times, opened his mouth to say something, but then shuts his mouth and walks off. Every time you catch him staring at you, you scowl and glare back, causing his face to fall and go back to whatever he was doing.

You had just finished dinner and volunteered to help Frypan clean up when Gally comes up and sits next to you. “Hi, Y/N, what’s up?” he asks, slapping your back so hard you thought it would bruise. You sigh. “Not much,” you reply, finishing your meal. “Hey, after you’re finished helping Frypan, wanna go for a walk?” Gally asks, scratching the back of his neck. You thought nothing of this, so answered, “Why not?” Gally smiles and walks off.

You walk around the Glade as the sun begins to dip below the horizon. You meet up with Gally at the edge of the forest. “Let’s walk in here,” Gally points through the forest. “Okay,” you say a little uneasily. You start to walk through the trees, the wet leaves sticking to your boots. “So what’s happening, Gally?” you ask, concerned. “Nothing, Y/N. I just wanted to see if you wanted to talk. You look really tense these days.” “It’s Newt,” you sigh, kicking the leaves. “It hasn’t been the same since we broke up.” “Yeah, he actually handed his second-in-command job to me,” Gally replies, slowing to a halt. “What’s the matter?” you whisper, afraid that there would be Grievers lurking in the forest. In a flash, Gally had you on the ground, his fingers cutting into your wrists and his face so close to yours you could feel his warm breath. “Haha, seems like you fell right into my trap,” Gally smirks, making you shocked by all this. Then anger took over. You started squirming your way out but Gally’s fingers were like snakes biting into your wrists. You cry out in pain and look at the fire in Gally’s eyes. “After tonight, when I’m done with you, if you tell anyone about this, I will sacrifice you to the Grievers.” You gasp and Gally saw his chance. His lips crashed onto yours, and it was the most wrong feeling you have ever felt in your life. Your heart ached for Newt to save you, for you to be engulfed in his strong arms. This image made you so angry that you managed to twist one arm free and upper cut punch him square on the jaw. Gally falls off you and you go to run. A hand grabs your ankle and you fall down with a loud thud. Gally slides back on top of you and went to kiss you again. “NEWT!” you scream before Gally forced his lips onto yours. You hear a faint voice back at the Glade and you knew that you had to call again. You swing your leg up, and it connected with the back of Gally’s head. Gally yells in pain and you found the opportunity. “NEWT!” you scream again, and this time you hear fast approaching footsteps and a voice calling your name. But Gally manages to get back on top of you again and he goes for round three. You let him for about three seconds, until you heard Newt’s voice loud and clear, then you kicked Gally in a place unforgivable before slapping him back handed several times. You turn around to see Newt. You run over to him and he welcomes you with open arms. “He just-just leapt on me!” you wail, burying your head into Newt’s chest. Newt caresses the back of your head with one hand and the other wrapped around your hips. “You’re okay now, Y/N,” says Newt, but before he could say anything else, you pulled him into a fiery, passionate kiss.

The kiss triggered fireworks and you knew Newt enjoyed it too because he didn’t respond. He only pulled you into a deeper kiss before moving you against a tree. You suddenly realise that you weren’t a couple anymore and you break away from him. “No! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-“ Newt brings a finger to your lips. “It’s okay, Y/N. I just hope you can forgive me for being such a shuck piece of klunk. If only I wasn’t so caught up in-“ “I forgive you Newt,” you say, and Newt brings you into a hug. “Are we back on?” Newt asks, his eyes filled with hope. “As a couple?” You laugh and nod. “I think so,” you answer, before entwining your fingers in his.

Minho –

Minho has really been getting on your nerves lately. You only broke up with him a couple of days ago, and already he has moved on and just continued life as if you two never happened. Your heart breaks at the thought and you turn away, ready to kill the last animal before calling it a day. As you behead the chicken, you let it go and let it run around crazily for a few minutes before dropping dead. You sigh as you start to clean the blade. You hear a set of footsteps approaching the door and you look up. You see Minho leaning against the doorway, staring at you. “What do you want?” you ask, laying down the blade on the wooden table. “I’ve come to ‘talk,’” Minho says, gesturing inverted commas with his hands on ‘talk.’ You walk up to him and stare into his eyes. “Well then, I don’t think the blood-house is the best place to talk.” You walk past him and back near the Homestead, Minho hot on your heels. You stop and sit on the grass. “So, what do you want to talk about?” you ask, drawing pictures and shapes in the dirt.

 “I have come up with a compromise,” Minho answers, sitting next to you. You look up. “What do you mean?” “How about, I run in the Maze every second day? That way I still run and I get to be with you.” You shrug your shoulders. “I hate being a Slicer. I wish I could be something else.” “Like what?” Minho asks, staring around the Glade and waving at a passing by Thomas. “I want to be a Runner.” Minho nearly chokes on the air and you turn your head to him. “What’s the matter with that?” you ask, punching him on the arm. “Too dangerous,” he simply says. “No way! I could last a night in there if I had to.” “Well then, be my guest. The Maze is a nasty place, and the Grievers make it worse. No way would I ever let you spend a night in there. I’d never forgive myself if I let you go, and it was my choice.” This speech makes you blush like mad and you look up at Minho, who was closer than before. You smile at him before he pulled you into a long, deep kiss. His lips sent waves of joy running up and down your spine and you wrap your arms around his neck. By this time, his lips were in synchronisation with yours, and it was the best feeling ever. You break apart and you rest your head on his chest, his muscled arms wrapped around you in a bear hug as you watch the sky turn into a beautiful sunset.

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