Chapter 16: 5 Months Later

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Quick A/N before the chapter! I wrote the Bio for the Third book! I'm so excited. I probably won't release the Bio till I get to the end of this book because it has some spoilers to this story in it! But I'm super excited for the direction I'm taking the next story! 

🌼 Abby 🌼

It was October once again and I stood outside my house in the fall breeze. I paid the cab driver and grabbed my bags, I was coming home from treatment and was so excited to see my family. 

As I walked onto the porch the door flew open revealing Zach. My heart fluttered, I haven't seen him since Bryce and I left to take me to the treatment center.

"Zach!" I wrapped my arms around him and we kissed. It was full of passion and lust, seeing that we just spent 5 months apart it was just what I needed after everything that had happened.

"Okay. Okay. Other people wanna see Abby! Don't hog her, I'm only here for two weeks!" I recognized...Monty.

"MONTY!" He gave him a big hug, he couldn't make it to Christmas and we cancelled the Santa Monica trip so this is the first time I've seen him in almost a year.

"Hey Abby." He chuckled returning the hug. "I can't believe I missed so much! Michigan Is treating me well though" I smiled at Monty, I'm so glad he got away from his dad and made something of himself.

"And we have a lot to catch up on." I grabbed Him a dragged him into the living room.

"Bryce!" I ran up and hugged my brother, it was hard when he left me at the treatment center.

"ABBY!" He spun me around. "I'm so so sorry, I didn't think they would take you away like that" His tight hug made it feel so safe.


Bryce and I pulled into a long curving road, by the big arch entrance said "Sunny Side Mental Health Treatment Center"

I took a big deep breath as we drove up the road in the tunnel of tree's. He pulled into the main entrance as there was a sign that stated

Leave all personal items in car and say goodbye before you exit the vehicle

I looked over at Bryce and started crying.

"Thank You. I'll see you soon." He hugged me tightly

"Stay Safe." I nodded.

"Don't let Zach get lonely, and make sure he's okay." He smiled and held my hand.

"I need you to know..." before he could finish the nurses grabbed me out of the car.

"BRYCE! BRYCEEE!" I was kicking and screaming the nurse covered my mouth and put me on a cot and restrained my arms and legs.

End of Flashback

"It's okay." I said and he rubbed my back. "It worked for me, I'm better,"

"I know and I'm glad, I'm just happy you're here." 

We sat around and talked for hours after everyone left Zach and I sat on the couch.

"What do you wanna do?" He asked and I laughed.

I crawled onto his lap and wrapped my legs around his waist. "Something in the bedroom?" He smiled and picked me up and carried me into the bedroom and kicked the door closed. You can guess what happened next.

(Three Weeks Later)

I was sitting on the edge of the tub holding yet another pregnancy test. Zach and I decided we wanted to start trying.

"Anything Yet?" I stared at the test Not Pregnant read across the tiny screen.

I opened the door and Zach was leaning against the wall he gave me a hopeful look.

"No" he frowned a little and gave me a hug.

"That just means we can have more sex, which is good for both of us." I chuckled and we sat on the small sofa at the end of the bed.

"I know, when it's our time it will happen again, it just feels like it happened so easily the last time."

He rubbed my back "I know, but it will happen, it's just gonna take some time."

"I made an appointment with the fertility doctor, just to make sure everything is working for both of us." He nodded "that means you'll have to...Uh"

"Jizz into a cup." I laughed and slapped his chest.

"Yes, but don't make it sound so dirty like that." He laughed

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Zach and I parked at the Fertility clinic, I grabbed his hand and he sighed.

"I'll see you back here in 30 minutes?" I nodded and we entered the clinic. "Appointment for Walker and Dempsey." The lady handed us paperwork and we sat down and filled it out.

"Dempsey." A nurse said and Zach gave me a look and walked back with the nurse.

🤠 Zach 🤠

I followed the nurse and she stopped at a room labeled Sample Gathering Room 1. She handed me a medical cup and I closed the door behind me.

"Come on can do this. You did this for years in high school." I looked at the pile of Playboy Magazines and shook my head.

"Abby, think about Abby." I whispered to myself.

There was a knock and I stood up and opened the door. "Zach, I sent you Uh...motivation." Abby gave me a little smile and ran off back to the Lobby.

I smiled at the video, it was Abby sitting on the bed wearing basically nothing except a open Lacey bra and panty set.

I felt a rise to the occasion when she slipped the bra off and spread her legs.

Soon I had collected the sample and sat back down in the waiting room. Abby came back out and we waited for the appointment with the doctor.

"Walker and Dempsey." We stood up and walked into the office and sat in the chairs.

"Well, everything looks good between both of you. I will recommend Prenatal's while you're trying it helps. And try some different positions."

I blushed "okay."

"And come back in a few months and we can run some more tests."

We walked back out to the car and Abby pulled into the garage and closed the door and shut off the car.

She sat there was sighed "wanna try a new position right here?" I smiled at her and she climbed into my lap.

One fun thing about trying for a baby, all the crazy fun sex we were gonna have over the next few months.

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