• Chapter Five •

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^^ Anastasia- Keziahs best friend

"Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." ~ Marcel Proust

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Marcel drives into the car park of Avalon Forest Grammar School. The name has the word 'forest' in it simply because our school is surrounded by loads and loads of trees. I mean they could have at least tried to be more creative but moving on.

I live in a small town called Avebury which is also where my school is located. It's not one of those towns where everybody knows everyone but its also definitely not big enough to be a city.

Stepping out of the car I'm immediately greeted by my friends.

"BEST FRIEND!" Shouts Rolando who if you didn't know, is my best friend. "I haven't seen you in forever." He says before picking me up in a big hug.

He's a Jamaican guy with black dreads pulled back into a low ponytail. It sounds kinda weird, but trust me in works on him; not that I'd ever tell him that. He's one of the tallest guys I know, standing at a good six feet four. Pair that with his smooth accent and flirty smile and he has all the girls falling at his feet. Me and my friends not being one of them of course; he's like my brother.

"You saw me last week Rolando stop exaggerating." I say while rolling my eyes.

"For once, Kez could you just try to appreciate me as much as I do to you." Rolando grumbles.

"Anyway," Eliza says while shoving Rolando out of the way, "We really need to catch up girl, I haven't seen you in like forever!"

Eliza and I have been friends for 10 years, but not as long as Rolando and I. We met when she moved to this town and decided to say hello to the little girl with cornrows who sat alone in the park. Since then, our friendship grew. She has golden blonde/brown straight shoulder length hair that's up in a ponytail. Today, she's wearing her black denim skirt that showcases her long legs with an off the shoulder white top that compliments the tan she got over the summer and is paired with converse like mine.

She and Evelyn (another one of my friends) are similar in their looks despite the fact that Evelyn is taller and slimmer with glasses to frame her face as well.

Today, Evelyn wears a simple pair of black trousers and a loose white cropped shirt with her typical vans. Despite being the joker, she definitely prefers to blend in.

On the other hand, Rani contrasts completely. She's of Asian descent with long black wavy hair that hangs down her back. She's wearing figure hugging jeans with a sleeveless blouse and high heeled wedges. Honestly, she could pass for a model and she knows that. Not in the way that comes across as arrogant, but in the way that enjoys attention.

I have a quick conversation with them all before making my way towards the school.
Before I reach the entrance, I'm stopped by the sound of my name being called to the left of me.
I realise it's coming from one of my closest friends Anastasia who gets to school early sometimes to do some work-even though it's the first day.

"Hey Kez!" she shouts. "Get over here I have someone I want you to meet!"

So, I walk in that direction and greet her with a hug. "Hey Ana, how have you been?" I ask.

"I've been great Kez! Anyway, one of my parents' friends have moved down and I'm supposed to introduce him to everyone."


"Yeah, he's over there." She says while turning around and pointing. Glancing towards the area she's looking at, my eyes land on a guy messing around with a football near the goal. That's when I realise that he looks kind of familiar.

He stops kicking the ball about as we walk closer to him and runs his hands through his curls before looking up at me and into my eyes.

"No way." I exclaim in shock.

Anastasia looks at me weirdly before she speaks up. "Keziah, meet Abel and Abel meet Keziah."

"Brown Eyes?"

                              • • •
And so it begins. Let me know what you think!

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