• Chapter Seventeen •

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"Dancing is a perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire." ~ George Bernard Shaw

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After deciding to meet Evelyn and Eliza at the party, we pull up in front of Raphael's house.

He lives on the other side of town in a large three storey house.

Even from inside the car, I can hear the sound of rap music blaring loudly. Red solo cups are scattered around the front lawn with people already laying down passed out from drinking too heavily. It's only 9pm people what is the rush, am I right?

Walking inside, I take in the open space area decorated with warm browns and varying shades of white. To the left, looks like a game room filled with guys playing beer pong. To the right, is a large living room with the sofas and chairs pushed back to create room for a dance floor.

We decide to head to the kitchen first to grab a drink and attempt to find the guys.

Whilst sipping our drinks, we spot Israel, Rolo and Raphael talking to Evelyn and Eliza.

"Hey guys!" I shout over the music.

"You made it." Says Raphael before focusing his attention on Ana.

"Hey Raph."

Unexpectedly, Raphael pulls Anastasia to the side and away from us all. Israel and Evelyn are whispering to one another although I don't know how they can actually hear each other over the music.

That leaves Rani, Eliza, Rolo and I. Talk about awkward.

"Eliza, how have you been?" Asks Rani.

Thank goodness she broke the silence; it was suffocating.

"Not bad. Haven't really done much lately so thanks for asking me to come along."

I just smile in response and take another sip of my drink.

All of a sudden, hands cover my eyes.

"Guess who." Abel whispers, his breathe blowing against my skin.

I turn around to face him and find him in black jeans, Adidas trainers and a deep blue shirt that brings out his eyes. As per usual, his curly dark hair is falling messily over his forehead in a sexy but cute kind of way.

"Abel." I respond.

"Glad to see you here, I thought you'd never make it."

"Rani decided to spend extra long on my makeup tonight." I give her a pointed look.

Immediately, Abel steps back and looks me up and down, his eyes lingering on my legs and chest causing my body to heat up.

"You look gorgeous Brown Eyes." He leans down to whisper in my ear. "The way this dress hugs your body is doing crazy things to me right now."

I lightly shove Abel away. "You know it makes me shy when you say things like that."

"And that's why I keep doing it."

"Would you two get a room already?" Exclaims Rani.

I actually forgot they were still there. Whoops.

I turn back to face them and find Eliza rolling her eyes at us. Choosing to ignore her immature actions, I drag Abel outside to the garden where there's a swing chair.

We settle down next to each other and Abel pulls my legs to rest over his while I lay my head on his chest. "I missed you today." He said.

"Your basically always missing me Abel, I'm not even surprised anymore."

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