• Chapter Forty-Seven •

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"A sweet friendship refreshes the soul." ~Proverbs 27:9

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The next day, Rolo barges into my room unannounced without so much as a hello.

"Get up Keziah. You've had enough time wallowing." I give him a questioning and pouty glance. "And before you ask how I know what happened, Marcel told Tenaya and Tenaya told me."

"Go away Rolo." I say bluntly.

"No I will not go away, I'm here to help you. And as your best friend, I'm actually quite offended that you didn't even come to me." Rolo gives me a slightly hurt look.

"I didn't tell anyone Rolo. I wasn't in the mood to speak so don't act like that." I roll my eyes at him.

Rolo raises his eyebrows at me and crosses his arms, "I'm going to overlook your catty comment just this once Kez."

I sigh loudly and drop the attitude, "I didn't tell you or anyone because it's embarrassing."

"How is this embarrassing? It's not your fault any of this happened but-"

Rolo hesitates to continue his sentence and starts spinning around on my chair.

"But what Rolo?" I ask.

"Nothing Keziah, never mind."

I drop the subject immediately, not feeling too bothered or concerned about what he was going to say.

Rolo climbs onto my bed and puts his arm around my shoulder, "You know I'm always here for you right? We've been friends since the day we were born Kez, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you." He pulls me close to him and places his chin on my head, "We're family."

"I know that Rolo. I suppose I shouldn't have avoided you guys so much like this." I stare.

Rolo pulls away from me and grabs his phone out of his hand and taps against it before replying, "I'm glad you said that because Rani, Evelyn and Ana are on their way here."

I throw myself back onto my bed and groan loudly.

"Stop complaining I'm doing you a favour. There's only so much of this girly crap that I can discuss before I vomit."

I roll my eyes at him and scoff, "Dramatic much. And you literally just said you're here for me so that kind of contradicts that."

"I was being nice, don't push me." He says playfully.

I simply shake my head at him.

Half an hour later, Rani, Ana and Evelyn show up with a bag of snacks and drinks with them.

"You've been hold up in your room for way too long Keziah." States Rani as she walks in.

"Yeah, we haven't seen in you ages." Adds Ana.

"It's been a few days Anastasia, relax." Rolo rolls his eyes.

"Well, you weren't even responding to our texts." Evelyn crosses her arms at me.

"Do you know how many times I called you?" Asks Rani. "Have you even checked your phone at all?"

"No, not really." I shrug at them.

They all pick a space either on my bed or my floor and take up at me.

"How you doing with this whole Abel situation then?" Rani asks bluntly.

"Can you tell us what happened first though?" Questions Ana.

I briefly recount the story to them which leads to more consoling and words of comfort.

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