• Chapter Eight •

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"Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love."  ~ Mother Theresa

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After my Psychology lesson, I had English followed by Health and Social Care  and now I finally have lunch. I am literally starving; my stomach has been rumbling loudly for the whole world to hear and now it's about to be satisfied.

I head towards the direction of the common room, the place where we hang out when I'm suddenly joined by Eliza and Evelyn. Evelyn, being the idiot she is attempts to jump on my back obviously forgetting that she is considerably taller than I. This meant that she fell off immediately and right onto the ground. So much for blending in.

"How many times do you have to do this for you to realise it's never going to work because of our height difference?"

"Until it actually works." States Evelyn.

I roll my eyes at her before looking at Eliza, the most normal friend of mine. "How's your first say been so far El?"

"Nothing special. Same old routine all the time. But I found out that your day has been a hell of a lot more interesting than mine." She says with a massive grin on her face.

"Okay firstly, don't smile like that its super creepy. And secondly, I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Don't act dumb with me! I know there's this mysterious boy that you have wrapped around your little finger."

Wow, news travels fast.

"It's really not like that at all. We're just friends."

All of a sudden, Eliza jumps in front of me blocking my pathway and grabs my shoulders before shaking me.

"Stop. Playing. Around! This is the first guy you've taken an interest in so stop denying your feelings woman!"

I take back everything I said about her being the normal friend.

"Get off me you weirdo. I barely know the guy just relax for a second geez."

"At least give him a chance Kez, I bet he likes you already from what I've heard."

"Move on from this conversation Eliza." I say just before pushing the doors open to the common room.

"Ugh fine... for now."

I just roll my eyes like I always do around my friends.

The common room is nothing special. It's a large space filled with colourful sofas, stools and tables. The room is surrounded by several windows giving it an airy feel as well as a few pillows to make it seem comfier. To the left of the common room is a door that leads to a small kitchen; we're allowed to bring our own microwaveable lunches to make which isn't much but I guess its better than nothing. This space is only open to sixth formers so at least I don't have to deal with the peasants below me.

As I'm about to enter the room, arms are slung around my shoulders. "What are you lovely ladies discussing?"

"Nothing." I quickly respond before anyone else opens their mouth.

Abel looks at me knowingly while I avoid his stare.

I lead everyone to our usual spot where Ana, Rani and Rolando are already occupying. Rolando,being who he is jumps out of his seat and launches himself at me while knocking Abels arms off my shoulders.

"Best friend! I'm so glad you're here. I have an important question to ask. Milk before cereal or cereal before milk?" He asks seriously.

"What kind of question is that? Cereal before milk obviously."

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