• Chapter Forty •

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^^ Humphead Wrasse Fish

Two are better than one. ~Ecclesiastes 4:9

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On the day of my date with Abel, I enlist the help of Rani, Ana and Evelyn who agree quickly out of excitement. For some reason, Rolo has decided to invite himself even when I specifically told him not to come. All he does is complain about everything when we're getting ready to go out and I do not want a headache before seeing Abel.

"No, not that one." Rolo says.

"You look too desperate and eager in that." He adds.

"Are you sure you're not trying to stop Abel liking you? Because these outfits are terrible." Rolo throws himself onto my bed and crosses his arms behind his head while giving me a pointed look.

My nostrils flare from irritation so I clasp my hands together in an attempt to not storm over him and strangle his fat neck.

"Why are you even here Rolo?" I glare at him from my wardrobe while he starts whistling a random tune, completely ignoring my frustration at him.

"Ouch Kez, that hurt." He places his hand over his heart and feigns a wounded look. "If the clothes you're picking out are anything to go by, then I'd say it's a good thing I'm here."

Not able to control myself any longer, I throw a hanger at his head before launching myself at him.

"Get off me!" Rolo tries to wiggle out of my hold, only for him to elbow me in the ribs. This action spurs me on even more making me hit him repetitively on his chest.

"Stop insulting me all the time!" I yell.

"Never!" Rolo pushes me off him in an attempt to throw me off the bed but before I latch onto his arms dragging him with me. Rolo lands on top of me with a big 'oomph' practically cutting off my oxygen.

"Stand up you stupid oaf!" I put my hands on his chest and try and push him off me but obviously his heavier weight stops anything from happening.

"Not until you apologise for throwing a freaking hanger at my head!"

"Should we intervene now?" Evelyn asks Ana and Rani.

"It's best if you let them continue until they're done." Ana replies.

"Last time I tried to help I was punched in the face so there is absolutely no way I'm going near them." Rani states.

"Me apologise? You should be apologising for your ridiculous comments!" I start to wiggle even more beneath him but he still does not budge.

I finally get tired of this and decide to take matters into my own hands.

Rolo rolls off me, holding his crotch area and groaning in pain. "Was that really necessary Keziah?!" He wheezes out.

I stand up and dust myself off before placing my hands on my hips from satisfaction, "Yes Rolo, it really was. I told you to get off me so you really had that coming."

Ignoring the rest of Rolos groans and incoherent words, I turn to face my nicer and more reliable friends.

"So, which one should I wear?"

In the end, all of us-except Rolo- agree on a long sleeve off the shoulder burgundy sweater dress paired with thick black tights and the boots I got on Christmas.

After Rani begging to do my make up for me, I finally give in simply to shut her up. There's no doubt that she is amazing at it, but sometimes she tends to go overboard and I want it to be a more natural look.

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