• Chapter Forty-Two•

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"You are so beautiful it hurts." ~Pearl Harbor

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"How come you drink Coke? You realise that's no where near as good as Pepsi right?"

Abel places his fork and knife down before giving me a deep stare, "How could you say that Keziah? Coke is obviously the more superior drink." He says indignantly.

I scoff at him before leaning forward in my seat slightly, "It's clearly not otherwise Pepsi wouldn't have been made. If Coke was that good, there would be no need to create something so similar."

"They created Pepsi to weed out the weak from the strong. Those who chose Pepsi are weak while the Coke lovers are strong. It's evolution baby." Abel leans back on his seat and crosses his arms while throwing me a challenging smirk.

Despite wanting to wipe that look straight off his face, I'm ashamed to admit that I have nothing to say that could top that. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Instead, I stoop so low as to flicking my crumbs at his face.

"Hey!" Abel shouts, "Don't sulk because my points hold more merit than yours."

Rather than responding, I mimic his words while doing silly hand actions.

"Real mature Brown Eyes." He teases.

Abel quickly finishes the rest of his food before sighing in satisfaction, "I'm still hungry." He states.

My eyes almost bulge out of my head at his words, "How are you still hungry? You ate yours and a lot of mine."

Abel stares at me with that predatory gleam in his eyes once again while his lips lift slowly in his ridiculously attractive smirk, "I never said I was hungry for food." His eyes dart down towards my lips and he bites his own slightly.

I let out a small gasp at his bold words before smoothing my features out, "No more of that here Abel." I say in a calm voice despite the desperation clawing within me to reach over and smash my lips against his.

"Does that mean I can do it later?" he questions playfully.

I raise my eyebrows at him, "We'll see."

Both Abel and I decide against dessert since we're already full and ask for the bill.

"I'll pay half." I start to take out my purse when Abel places his hand on top of mine, "No way Brown Eyes. I asked you out so I'm paying." He said sternly.


"Don't fight me on this baby, you won't win." Abel quickly hands over his card to before I can react leaving my mouth hanging open.

"Close your mouth Brown Eyes. You'll start to catch flies." He reaches over shuts my mouth for me while chuckling.

"I'm paying next time." I say firmly.

Abel simply laughs at me.

We leave the restaurant and the building and head to Abels car swiftly to try and avoid the cold as much as possible.

I sit down and buckle up before turning towards Abel, "Are you taking me home now?" Even to my own ears, I can hear the disappointment lingering; it's been such a good day and I don't want it to end.

"Do you want me to?" He asks.

I shake my head and look at him through my lashes, "No." I say softly.

"Neither do I." Abel smiles at me before pulling out of the car park.

"Do you want the radio on?" He reaches forward to fiddle with the buttons before he lands on a station that I like.

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