• Chapter Fourteen •

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"It is never too late to be what you might have been." ~ George Eliot

• • •

Throughout the rest of the movie, I occasionally look at Abel to find him already staring at me with a smile. Each time I ask why he's smiling he always responds with 'I'm happy'. I suppose that should make me feel good right? Wrong. After our kiss, I don't know how to feel. What does this mean for us? Are we still just friends or something more? Does he even want to be something more? Can we kiss again? Okay that last one isn't really relevant but boy does he know his way around my lips. That was obviously my first kiss but he doesn't know that yet since I haven't told him. I bet he's kissed loads of girls. How couldn't he; he's way too attractive to not be noticed. That thought makes me sad causing me to lean away from Abel slightly. Of course, nothing escapes his eagle eyes.

"What's wrong Brown eyes?"

"Nothing. I should probably get going now anyway, my parents will be expecting me back soon."

Abel's face falls causing him to pout slightly. It's actually really adorable. "I can drive you home then."

We make our way down the stairs and as I turn a corner, I bump into Monroe. "Oh, I'm sorry." She squeaks out while hiding her face behind her hair.

"It's no big deal, I should have been watching where I was going." I said with a smile.

"Bye." She whispers softly before walking away.

I turn towards Abel. "She's kind of shy, isn't she?"

"Yeah, it takes her a while to warm up to people. She had a rough start."

"I understand."

We continue to make our way to the front door and out to his car.

Once seated, I realise I didn't meet two very important people. "Abel, where were your parents?"

"Oh, they're still at work; my dad's a neurosurgeon and my mums a cardiac thoracic surgeon. They both met at work which is how both of them are doctors.
They live a busy life but still manage to make time for all of us." He says with a wistful look on his face.

"It sounds like they're good people."

"The best. They might not be my biological parents, but I love them just as much."

I smile happily at him before looking out the window.

The car ride passes in a comfortable silence before we reach my house in its cul de sac. Abel switches off the car and turns to look at me. I play with the ends of my braids while looking down at my lap.

Abel grabs my face gently and turns me to face him. "I had a good time Brown eyes." He then leans down closer to my ear. "I'm hoping to taste your sweet lips again."

"U-um yeah. Yeah, I'll see you at school." I give him one last look before dashing out the car but not before hearing the rich sound of his melodic laugh.

• • •

As I'm lying in bed thinking about the events that just occurred, my mum calls me downstairs.

"Keziah, I saw a boy drop you off this afternoon. Was that the Abel you were talking about?" She asks with raised eyebrows.

"Yes mother, it was." I retort.

"You know how I feel about you and boys Kez."

"Yes, I know but I actually happen to like this one." Did I just admit I liked him? I mean I thought about it but I was never really sure. I like Abel. It feels good to say that.

My mum sighs at me. "I'll keep an open mind then Kez but I have to meet this boy."

"Sure thing Captain." I salute her before running back to my room.

Getting bored from my own thoughts, I decide to go and see what my brothers are doing.

I head to Nolan's room first which has wallpaper covered in dinosaurs, a floor covered in toys and a high bed.

I find him next to his toy box playing with some cars. "Hi Keziah! Do you want to play with me?" He asks.

"Sure thing bud."

After playing with him for a while, I head to Omaris room and find him shouting at the TV with his headphones on his head playing the Xbox. Looks like I'll talk to him some other time.

I almost debate skipping out on seeing Marcel simply because of how annoying he actually is. When I enter his room I find him laying in his bed throwing a tennis ball up and then catching it.

"Hey sis, what brings you to my humble abode."

"I was bored and wanted to see what you were doing. Looks like you're having less fun than I am." I say before shutting the door.

Back in my room, I sit to do some homework when my phone pings with messages. Checking my phone, I find it's the group chat with Roland, Rani, Ana and I. You may be wondering why Evelyn and Eliza aren't in it but first of all, Eliza and i's relationship is strained and I'm not as close to Evelyn.

Rani: I heard you and Abel had a study date Kez. Hehe.

Ana: I bet there wasn't much studying.

Rolo: You were on a date and you didn't tell me!! WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR FRIENDSHIP KEZ.

Keziah: Rolo it wasn't a date. Ana and Rani, we were studying.

Rani: Sure you were.

Ana: Spill the beans girl, I can feel you keeping something from us.

Yeah, Ana is weird like that.

Keziah: Well...

Rolo: If you don't tell us everything right now I'll come over there and force it out of you.

Keziah: No need for violence Rolo. I'm really starting to think you need to take anger classes.

Ana: Keziah! Just tell us.

Keziah: Alright alright.

Keziah: So, we kissed...

Ana,Rolo,Rani: WHAT!

Rani: Were coming over right now and your spilling the details.

Ana: Agreed.

Rolo: Be there in ten.

Keziah: I mean, that's not necessary but alright.

"Mum!" I yell. " Rani, Ana and Rolo are heading over! I think they're staying the night!"

"Alright Kez! Make sure you don't make a mess!" She shouts back.

Now I have to prepare myself for the onslaught of questions about to be thrown my way. Just what I need on a Friday night.

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