• Chapter Eleven •

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"Learn to value yourself, which means: fight for your happiness." ~ Ayn Rand

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Getting ready for school doesn't usually take me too long. But today, I feel myself over analysing what I should wear simply because Abel admitted his feelings for me. It makes me think that he'll be paying more attention to me and that makes me nervous.

I keep looking through my wardrobe before realising something. Since when do I care what people think of me? I shake my head at myself before picking out a simple pair of blue jeans and a fitted black top. I grab my converse and camo jacket before heading downstairs.

Since I took longer than I thought, Marcel is already waiting on me so I grab a granola bar and head outside to his car.

"About time Keziah." He says.

We arrive at school ten minutes before the bell goes so I head straight to my form room and sit with Rani and Ana.

"You look nice today Kez." States Rani with a smile. "Dressing for a certain someone?"

"Don't be ridiculous Rani, I always dress like this."

"Sure you do." Ana adds.

I roll my eyes. "Anyway, I have something I need to tell you guys. Okay so last night, Abel texted me-"

"Oh what did he say?" Asks Rani.

"I'm getting to that, let me speak. So he basically told me that he likes me and is in interested in making me his."

"No way!" Shouts Ana.

"It's surprising isn't it?"

"Um no not really. Everyone could see it except you Kez. You're just that oblivious." Says Rani.

"Oh." I respond. "Well I'm pretty nervous for when I see him today."

"Why though? Just be how you've always been. He likes you already so it's no big deal. By the way, do you like him?" Asks Ana.

"I'm not completely sure yet. I mean I get these feelings...but I don't know."

"Well, no pressure you'll figure it out soon enough Kez."

The bell rings signalling the start of first period so we all head to our prospective classes. I have English first which Abel just happens to be in.

I walk towards West block where my class is held and enter room 15. I go to the back of the classroom and take a seat. After I get out what I need for this lesson, I look up to find Abel walking towards me. My heart begins to pound violently when our gazes lock.

Immediately, I look away in a desperate attempt to calm myself down.

Suddenly, the scent of cinnamon and sandalwood enters my nose just as Abel takes a seat.

"Hey Brown Eyes." He says.

"Um hi Abel." I reply.

"Why aren't you looking at me?"

"Oh, I'm just admiring the nature outside."

And avoiding your intense stare to prevent me from sweating like an idiot. Of course, I only say that part in my head.

Abel turns my seat to face him and places his arms next to my legs causing my eyes to widen in shock.

He leans in close to me and whispers, "You don't have to be nervous around me Brown Eyes, I'm still the same person as I was before I told you how I felt."

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