• Chapter Twelve •

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"Your intellect may be confused, but your emotions will never lie to you." ~ Roger Ebert

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Rolo drives us to my house but instead of going straight home, he walks in with me.

"Hey mama Callayo!" He Shouts.

"Roland? Is that you?" My mother responds.


My mum walks in with her arms open wide. I prepare myself for a hug only for her to walk straight pass me to Rolo. Um, okay then I see how it is.

"Last time I checked, I was your child mother not Rolo."

"Oh hush child, I haven't seen Rolando for a while."

"You saw him two weeks ago." I say blankly.

Obviously I get ignored so I enter the kitchen and grab a fruit before heading up to my room. Rolo will follow eventually.

Five minutes later, Rolo finally enters my room.

"Oh look, it's the mum stealer."

Rolo ignores my comment and jumps onto my bed. "So what happened today? You left lunch so suddenly. You should have seen Abel, he was sulking from the moment you left the room. Poor guy, he's smitten."

Internally, I mull over the fact that Abel didn't want me to go before responding back to Rolo.

"Yeah about that...when I went to find Eliza, she basically told me she was interested in Abel." I say softly.

"I called it!" He Shouts.

"What do you mean?"

"It was pretty obvious Kez, the way she gets upset when you and Abel are touching or whispering to one another. Do you not notice anything? You're in your own world all of the time geez."

"Well clearly I didn't know, it was a bit of a shock to me."

Roland flips over into his stomach before staring up at me. "How do you feel about that?"

I lean my head against my wall behind my bed and sigh. "That's the thing, Rolo I don't really know."

"Okay, when you think about Abel with Eliza are you upset? Angry?"

My blood boils simply at the thought of that causing me to frown angrily.

"Obviously, that makes you upset." States Rolo.

"Congrats Captain Obvious, I don't know how you came to that conclusion." I state dryly.

Rolo huffs at me. "The point is you like him."

"I actually told Eliza that I like Abel. But the thing is, I don't really think I do yet."

"Why'd you tell her you did then?"

"Because I wanted her to leave Abel alone." I mumble.

"Because you like him Keziah. I really don't know how many times I have to say this."

I continue talking. "I don't even have a right to do that or feel this way, it's not like Abel and I are even together."

Rolo groans loudly. "I give up Keziah, you're just gonna have to figure this out on your own."

At that moment, my phone rings.

Rolo and I look at each other before diving for my phone in the middle of my bed.

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