The new dad in town

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Today was the day I was dropping my beautiful 4year old daughter India of for her first day at school. To be honest I think I'm more scared than her. We moved town a month ago after some issues revolving around the two of us, which meant us leaving the busy London life and return to my home town. I'm currently living with my mum whilst I find a place to live.
As I approach the gate with my skipping child holding her hand whilst I carry her school bag I can see all the other mums staring at me and gossiping not very quietly may I add. I get do the door and I see the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on. She had a small frame with bright red hair, currently talking to another parent with a child close to India's age. I think she catches me staring as as she waves at me getting me out of my trance.

Dianne PoV

As I am finishing talking to the most annoying mother I have ever spoken to whilst nodding and smiling like I actually care, a man walks through the gate holding the hand of a small child with long blonde curls. He is quite possibly the most attractive man I've ever laid eyes on. He is a good 4inches taller than me with piercing blue eyes and mousy brown hair once I stop admiring him  I catch him staring at me. I wave at him to come over and save me from this mother still going on how her child is better than the rest of the class and should be given special treatment! He stops staring and turns the same shade as my bright red hair!  I can't help but let out a little giggle. I excuse myself and feeling brave I walk over to him.

"Hi I'm Miss Buswell, I've not seen you drop of before" crouching down to the little girls level
"And I've not seen you either poppet"  I gently stroke her arm and she puts her thumb in her mouth and smiles, I stand back up and look directly into the mans eyes, "How old is she?"

"She's only just 4, one of the younger ones aren't u munchkin"
I smile at the younger girl who giggles at her dad
"Ah so u will be in my class sweetie what's your name"
"India-mai Sugg" she says coming out from behind her dad whom she was hiding behind.
"That's a pretty name for a pretty girl"
"Thank you, mwiss Buswewll you look like aril becose your vewy pwetty"
I couldn't help but blush I smile at the little girl. I look up at her dad whose admiring the interaction which has just taken place.
"And you are"
"Oh um I'm sorry I'm Joe, India's dad"
He holds out his hand for me to shake. As soon as our hands touch I feel a spark between us which I've never felt before, I look at his hand and see no ring, maybe I have a chance. I just hope he feels the same...

This is my first ever story lol plz don't kill me if it's trash! If people like it I'll carry on if not... I probably will anyway :)

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