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As I shake her hand I feel an electric shock go through my arm and butterflies explode in my stomach. I look into her hazel eyes as she stared right back smiling at me. We release hands and stare at each other for what seems like hours until my hand gets tugged by my very impatient child. I look at miss Buswell who directs her towards another teacher. India gives me a hug and a kiss then she skips away leaving me and the red head all alone.
"I'll look out for her today, but I'm sure she's gonna fit in just fine"
This made me smile, it seemed like she truly cared,
"Thank you miss Buswell"
"Please no need for that, call me dianne"
Talking in a funny voice I say "well if you insist ma lady" this earns a laugh from dianne who plays along
"Why thank you kind sir!" We are both now laughing realising we are the only ones left outside
"Well I best go to class now but I'll see you when u come to pick India up?"
"Yep see you then"
With that we both walk opposite ways me smiling like A little boy whose got his first crush only wishing she could possibly feel the same.

Short chapter Ik but it will get better. I'm also trying to put a few out there now so it gives people a taster of what this book is :) hope u enjoyed this short one

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