7 dreaded words

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"Come on Mrs bedtime"
"Nooooo I don't want to I want to pway pwincesses foreva and evvvvaaaa" India was screaming at this point and I was starting to loose the battle
"Please India Daddy is very tired and I promise tomorrow we can play princesses for a long time but you need to go to sleep otherwise you will be to tired to see dianne at school tomorrow"
I knew this would work India has grown to love dianne in the short space of time she's known her. I've never seen India like someone as much other than family before.
"Ok but only becwose I like dianne" I tuck indi into bed and read her a story. Half way through  she falls asleep, I kiss her on the cheek and shut the door half way. I head to the kitchen until I hear a knock on the door, I run to open it and I'm met with the most beautiful looking girl. She wasn't wearing her smart clothes like usual she had black ripped jeans on and a white jumper. Her hair tied back in two braids and had minimal makeup on.
"Cat got your tongue sugg?" She brushes my shoulder as she makes her way into the living room and sits down patting the spot next to her. I go and sit down and without saying anything I lean in and kiss her. I clearly caught her off guard but she kissed me back which is the best feeling. She pulls away first
"Joe what are we" this question confused me but I could see where she was coming from we hadn't exactly labelled anything, all we were at the moment were two people who kissed sometimes!
"Like I really like you Joe but I don't know much about you other than you have a little girl and moved town"
"Well I have an idea how about we tell each other about ourselves and then we can go from there?"
"Ok I'll start, my name is Dianne Buswell I'm 24 and I'm a reception teacher. I moved from Australia 6 years ago, I have two older brothers and I love dance. Now you"
"Ok well I'm Joseph sugg I'm 25 and I used to be a roof thatcher. I have an older sister and I love to play pranks on people so I'd watch your back buswell!"
We both laugh until it goes silent we both stare at each other until dianne speaks
"Joe I really like you but I don't know how it will work. I'm your daughters teacher for god sake! If word gets out I'm with a students parent I'd be ruined!"
"What if it's our little secret Di, I like you a lot more than I have ever liked anyone, we don't tell anyone yet and try and hide it from India it will be hard but she already loves you! If you will let me dianne I would love to take you out on a date and see what happens after only if your up for it"
She smiles at me and scoots of so we are inches apart
"I'd like that very much Mr sugg"
"Me to Buswell"
I pull her into a kiss which turns into more of a make out session until we here the dreaded words
"Daddy why are you kissing miss Buswell?"
We quickly pull away from each other
Shoot how do I explain this...

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