Chapter 13: An Event The Grim Reaper Knows... A Horrible Event.

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This has been the journey so far...

The the Grim Reaper, Fox Goddess and Vampire-Succubus were under the roof, safe from the cold wind outside

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The the Grim Reaper, Fox Goddess and Vampire-Succubus were under the roof, safe from the cold wind outside... The News spoken... Something was wrong... The Grim Reaper could tell...

-Crow Father.

News: So come on down at Tokyo and see the surprise that is about to be revealed to the public!

Mari: Ooohhh I bet it's a new fashion!

Mari Setogaya, sitting on the couch, watching the news with excitement as Senko was washing the dishes... Soon, footsteps are heard before you made an appearance in the living room, behind Mari.

(y/n): What's gotten you excited?

Mari then points at the television as she explains.

Mari: Tokyo is having a massive event! And there's a surprise that's going to change the world entirely!

(y/n): And you think Fashion is going to change the world.

Mari: Uhhhhhh... Maybe?

You just starred at Mari with half closed eyes before turning your attention towards the television once more... Suddenly something in the background caught your attention while the News reporter was talking to one of the civilians who was excited.

(y/n): The f*ck's that?

Mari: Hmm? What?

(y/n): That poster on the wall.

Mari: Oh, it saids "2080"... Why?

(y/n): W-What... What year is it now?

Mari: 2079.

You begin to feel slightly worried about this as Mari turns around and leans on the couch.

Mari: What's wrong? You looked like you know something bad is about to happen.

(y/n): What realm is this? Is this the realm where the Machines begin to attack humans? If so then I must've stumbled on the realm just like that but different...

Mari: Uhhhhhhh... What?

(y/n): Of course you don't know. Every realm has multiple copies that are the same but different. Like one realm will have an American flag red, blue and white while another realm will have a different color... Like pink, green and black. They are called Dimensions for a reason where I come from.

Mari: So it's basically a copy and paste sort of situation but with some editing so it's not one hundred percent same.

(y/n): Exactly. Hey, Senko?

Senko pokes her adorable head from around the corner as she asked with a smiled.

Senko: Yes?

(y/n): Mind coming with me or do you want to hold the fort?

Senko: I can stay here and make dinner while you're gone.

(y/n): Alright. Mari, you're coming with me.

Mari: Oh... Ok.

(y/n): I am not going to fight another damn war, I'm going to make sure it doesn't happen so I can enjoy my damn Vacation!

[Timeskip with (y/n) moon walking away from a drunk Mari as Senko tries to push her back... Only to fail badly as a Golden Bunny Robot was watching with confusion.]

Mari: Wow, there are so many people than I thought there would be.

(y/n): I'm glad you're enjoying the place but please make sure you stick to me, ok?

Mari: Ookkk~!

Tokyo... Crowded... And very Cyberpunkish... You were making your way towards the location where the "Surprise" was being held and will be revealed soon, a super mall.

(y/n): Man, this Realm's Tokyo is far different than most realm's. I bet the Super Mall has a Hotel.

Mari: I... Would totally be surprised if there is one. Wait, why do you need me to follow you again?

(y/n): Thought I'd bring some help.

Mari: WHAT?!? Do you really think I can fight some robots?!

(y/n): No, thought you can help me with groceries if i decide to bring some home.

Mari: Of course... Why didn't I think of that... Meanie...

You smirked at Mari's response before reaching towards the Super and I mean SUPER and I mean...

You smirked at Mari's response before reaching towards the Super and I mean SUPER and I mean

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Mall... You and Mari walked inside as it didn't take long to find the place where they are holding the "Surprise" as there was a massive crowd in front of you.

(y/n): This must be the place.

Mari: And we're early too. Look.

You looked up to see a poster saying "The Presentation Will Begin In 7:30PM". You blinked your eyes and looked for a clock until Mari tugs on your hand.

Mari: I have my phone. Here.

You turn to Mari as she held a pink phone before seeing the time.q

(y/n): Six... We're early. Guess we can wait here.

Mari: Awww... How about we go shopping? It'll speed up time.

(y/n): We'll lose track.

Mari groans as she hunches over while you crossed your arms... Waiting... However, while you were waiting, something caught your attention from the corner of your eyes.

(y/n): Hmm?

You turn your head to see a very familiar looking girl... She had short black hair... However she had something that also caught your interest... She seems to be with someone but the crowd prevented you from seeing.

(y/n): Headphone Jacks... For ear lobes... Hmm... Hey!

You shouted, catching the girls attention... There was a quick moment of silence...

(y/n)'s Mind: Guess she's not the same girl... She doesn't recognize me.

(y/n): Nice Ear Jacks!

The girl seems surprised before realizing that you were talking about her ears as she smiles and waved.

???: Thank you!

You smiled back before turning back to Mari who is playing on her phone... You decided to watch while you wait for the big surprise as everything fades to black...

And the title "Helpful Fox Senko" appeared as the title was untouched and silence fills the air.

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