Chapter 12: Unforgiving Morning...

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This has been the journey so far...

An unfortunate chaos has woken the Grim Reaper from his wonderful slumber

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An unfortunate chaos has woken the Grim Reaper from his wonderful slumber... He awakens to fix the situation... The one behind the chaos did not surprise him... Therefore, he lets it slide... For now.

-Crow Father.

Screaming and a fire alarm was all that rings in your ears as you gritted your teeth...

(y/n): It's Monday... And this is not what I wanted to wake up to..,

You slowly lifted yourself up from the bed as your eyes are barely opened as you hear shouting...

???: I told you to not crank it all the way!

???: How am I suppose to know that? This thing doesn't have anything that tells me if it's enough!

(y/n): Ugh... By the Makers... Help me...

You then had no choice but to get out of bed, get dressed and walked out of your room before making your way to the Kitchen where the noise was coming from... In the meantime, Senko was trying to extinguish a burning pot while Mari was hiding behind the table in fear as the fire alarm kept going.

Mari: This is the worst!

Suddenly, the fire alarm was silenced before Mari turned her head to see you crushing the alarm with a singe hand.

Mari: Oh thank goodness you're here!

Mari got out from behind the table and immediately wrapped her arms around you, you didn't feel like stopping her or even hug back as you asked.

(y/n): What the hell is going on here?

Senko: Mari just set the pot on fire somehow.


Mari shouted with tears running down from her eyes as you rolled your eyes and walked towards the burning pot with Mari hiding behind you. Senko took a step away from the pot as you just starred at it before raising a hand and immediately froze the pot...

Seconds later, everyone stared at the pot as breakfast had to be replaced with something else now...

(y/n): I can call a delivery. Do you girls want pancakes, eggs, bacon and hash browns from McRandom?

Senko: *Sigh* Well it looks like there's no other options, are there?

Senko shrugs as Mari remains to cling onto you from behind you looked over and asked.

(y/n): When will you release me?

Mari: I feel very comfortable right here.

(y/n): *Sigh*

[Timeskip with (y/n) sitting behind Mari as he brushes her hair as she goes on and on about something, (y/n) wasn't paying much attention.]

(y/n): *Yawn* Hey Senko...

Senko: Yea?

(y/n): Pass me that bag of chips, please?

Senko: Oh, sure!

During breakfast, you and the girls were in the living room, watching a movie on the television as Senko passes you the bag of chips before you began eating it with satisfaction...

???: Hey, (y/n).

You raised and eyebrow, turning your head to see Mari was holding a piece of bacon up to your face as she requested.

Mari: Say "aahh".

Senko: Hey, don't pamper him! That's my job!

Mari: Oh come on, Senko. I'm just being nice here, then after that we'll lock eyes and then we'll go into a deep heated kiss and then he'll carry me to the bedroom and then he'll rip off my clothes and I'll rip his and then he'll-

Suddenly... Your leg made contact with Mari's face, sending her flying towards the wall as you kept the bacon in your mouth as you spoke with your teeth not letting go of the bacon.

(y/n): First of all, thanks for the bacon, Mari. Second...

You then ate the bacon before continuing...

(y/n): Gross... We only met like... Bloody hell, not even a week has passed... Shouldn't you like try to get to know the other a bit more? I don't know how it works but... Never say that again, Vampire.

You said as Mari was unconscious with a silly look on her face as you just rolled your eyes before you went back to eating breakfast as everything fades to black...

And the title "Helpful Fox Senko" appeared as the title was untouched and silence fills the air.

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