Chapter 30: A Small Work To Be Done... And The Killer Finishes It.

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This has been the journey so far...

This has been the journey so far

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A Realm is seen... Alive and at peace... But its time has come to an end by the hands of the Grim Reaper... Despite the reactions of his work... It is the way of life we must accept.

-Crow Father.

Mari: Wow... The heck is wrong with that moon?

(y/n): Destroyed I believe. By its creator who failed to watch over its creation.

Mari: Aaaand why are we here? And by "we" I mean you, me and Astolfofo over here?

Astolfo: It's just Astolfo.

Under a broken moon light, you stood over a massive tower... Hovering about a familiar looking academy with humans walking around. You turn your head towards Mari and replied.

(y/n): To show you both that now matter how horrible the fate that awaits for these humans can be... It is something you must understand that it's the way of life and death, even if it's unfair.

Mari: Wait, what are you going to do?!

Mari asked as you turn your back on her and walk towards the edge... Small holes were then made into your forearms before small amount of white smoke are seen, then some white smoke were escaping your lips as you questioned.

(y/n): Have you heard of "White Phosphorus"?

Astolfo: White Phosphorus? What's that?

You only smirked as you slowly raised both hands up, staring at the smoke from your arms as your eyes slowly turns pitch black and glowing white pupils appeared...

(y/n): Lets just say... It's a beautiful thing that burns the flesh of the living~ And with a little pinch of magic, I can make this weapon spread across the world with nothing stopping it~ Such a wonderful idea for a BNHA Story where the OC/Reader has the ability to create and control White Phosphorus and-

Astolfo: (y/n), you're straying too far, come back to us.

(y/n): Sh*t....



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You looked down towards the humans that are unaware of their unfortunate fate... You raised your arms up in the air before bringing them down, unleashing a ton of White Phosphorus smoke towards the humans from your arms and mouth... Soon the smoke reached... And later the screams began to sing in your ears~

(y/n): Aahh... And now we wait till the lives are no more. Come along now.

You said, putting your hands behind your back and turned around before walking passed Mari and Astolfo as a portal opens.

(y/n): It would be rude to keep my Precious Fox waiting~

[Timeskip with (y/n) carrying a sleeping Senko in his arms, standing outside of his own home, watching the beautiful night sky.]

Senko: Dinner's ready!

(y/n): Ahh, the smell of wonderful food calls to me.

Back at the house like nothing ever happened, you and the rest of your roommates were in ze kitchen where the food looks delicious and you sat beside Senko with a smile. Soon... The table goes empty after such a fine feast as you and Senko carried the dishes over to the large sink.

(y/n): You can wash these later. For now, get some rest.

Senko: It's fine I can do it right now.

(y/n): But Sen-

Senko: It's fiiiiine.

Senko said, now standing in front of you as she starts the water in the sink and began washing the dishes. You stood behind her with slight disappointment... However you see her tail moving side to side... You smirked before you grabbed the base of her tail, causing her to flinch and stop in place.

(y/n): Come on now, you've worked hard enough.

Senko: B-But- AH!

You began to stroke her tail, gentle and slow before she could slap your hand off her tail and turned around with a puffy face.

Senko: Alright, alright already! Geez you're making my job harder to pamper you...

(y/n): Well maybe I should pamper you instead~

You said, leaning towards Senko as she blushes from how close you are... She avoids eye contact before speaking.

Senko: Why are you acting so weird but attractive?

(y/n): Am I really being weird? Well I suppose I should take a nap on the couch and use Astolfo's lap as a pillow. Sorry to disturb you.

You said, walking away from Senko as you waved your hand before leaving the kitchen... And leaving Senko alone before she could speak once more.

Senko: Hey! Don't pretend like none of this ever happened! Get back here!

And with Senko tailing you from behind, everything fades to black as the title "Helpful Fox Senko" appeared as the title was untouched and silence fills the air.

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