Happy Birthday! (Kei Tsukishima X Birthday! Reader)

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You quickly woke up, went to the bathroom then take a bath, you went down stairs and saw your parents greeting at you. You ate breakefast and quickly ran outside.

"This will be my best Birthday!" You shouted as you jumped over the gate. When you saw a familiar short haired blonde megane. You waved at him with your brightest smile but he just ignored it.

"Good morning Tsukki-chan!" You said and he is still ignoring you. You poked his side and then he flinched.

"Tsukki-chan is such a snobber~ Anyway, you know what special event today?" You ask and pouted at him. He looked at you with a confused look.

"Special Event?" He asked and you were walking on the middle of the road. He noticed that the sign is to stop but you're still walking.

"Tsukki-chan! It's my Birth-" You didn't continue of what you said because you saw a truck at your right side and it hitted you.

Tsukishima just widen his eyes as he saw his bestfriend's body flew away from the sidewalk. Many people gathered on your body, but Tsukishima just looked down and he walked slowly to go to you're body.

"K-Kei....... Please..... Take my Phone....." You mumbled in your last breath as you gave your phone to him. He hugged you tightly even you're already dead. Many people looked both of you and some of them cried.

In you're Funeral...

The whole Volleyball team cried infront of you're grave.

"(F/N)-chan, You promised to me that you'll treat me in Coach Ukai's Shop. I'll promise that I'll be the best senpai!" Noya said as he sniffs every word he says. Tanaka just patted his back and started to leave.

"I hope you'll have a happy life (F/N)-chan" Hinata said and then left with the others except Kei.

"(F/N), I did what you say. I took you're phone. Is it okay if I open it?" he said and then opened it. When he looked in her phone, he saw that the cover was him sleeping in the gym. He just smiled. When he saw a message notification, he saw that it's you're confession to him.

Dear Kei,

        Hello Tsukki-chan~ I have to say this in here because I'm too shy to say it for my bestfriend. Anyway, I Like You Kei~ it's okay if you didn't like me back. I just want to show my real feeling for you. Sorry If I did it here. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME~

You're Bestfriend,


"I...... I Like You Too....." he mumbled and he putted his gift on you're grave. It was a picture of you and Kei in the carnival. He left you're phone on you're grave too.

"May The Best Wishes For (F/N)" He smiled and left the cementery.


A/N: Damn this freaking feels.... Anyway this will be my last for you guys! Sorry I'm on hiatus now. If you want to request just comment it. I will be happy if you guys are happy ^_^ SEE YA!

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