My Sunshine (Sugawara X BadAss!Reader)

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You were running in the hallway because there are some bullies you threw them your volleyball which you got from your friend, Koushi Sugawara. You quickly got in the gym where all the volleyball players practicing. You closed the door then take a peek a little to see if the bullies were still there. But you saw no one.

You sighed and sat on the floor. As you open your eyes, you saw the volleyball players. "EHH!?" you were shock as they stare at you. You notice a familiar face on the left. It was Sugawara. You quickly stood up and shout. "SUGA-SAN!!!" He dropped the volleyball he was holding and quickly looked at you.

"(Y-Y/N)-chan!?" he got shocked because you look very scary. Why? Because your face has many scratches because o the cats on the street, your hair got crazy because you were running and your clothes has many small holes because you hid in the rose bush which the thorns cut your clothes.

"A-Are you okay (Y/N)-senpai?" Noya asked as he looked at you up and down. You just laughed and started slapping his back. "I'm really fine Noya-san!" You said and went to the door. You waved goodbye at them and left.


You walked in the hallway. You were about to go to your locker but you got stop because you saw Sugawara holding an envelope and he was infront of your locker. You just watched him put the letter in your locker and left. You went to your locker and quickly opened it. You read the letter.

Dear (Y/N),

Could we meet in the back of the Karasuno? Later at 5:00.



You looked at your wrist watch and it's already 5. You went to the back of the Karasuno and you saw Suga there, waiting for you. You walked up to him. "Hey Suga-san!" You waved at him and he waved back to you.

You and suga sat on the ground and looked at the sky. "Umm.... You know (Y/N)... I've been hiding this for so long since I met you..."

"Go on" you said with a little teasing tone.

"I like you." he admitted.

You blushed. You felt that you're gonna blow.

"And You're my sunshine" he continued.

You blew your whole face and fainted.

"(Y-Y/N)-chan!?" Suga shouted.



You: Arigato Shinji-chan!

Suga: *smiles*

Desuka: Shinji, Bokuto and Kuroo were eating all the foods on the table!

Shinji: *kicks Bokuto's and Kuroo's butt to the sky*


Shinji: Ah.... Clean up on the roof section 5.

Worker #1: Boss! Someone fell on the section 1!

Shinji: Those idiots. Desuka! Help me up!

Desuka: Hai!

Aoi: sigh... It's such a fun day...

You: Umm... Why?

Aoi: Why not?

You: I dunno.

Kageyama: Aoi-chan. We need to go to the cafe pronto.

Aoi: Really?! Just you and me!?

Kageyama: No, me, you, yachi and hinata.

Aoi: Oh... Okay.

You: *Drinks coffee*

Konoha: AND NOW! THE FINAL TOUCH! *twerks with a song titled 'Bad Romance by Lady Gaga'*

Yoshiyuki: *kicks Konoha's but because he got annoyed*

Konoha: *coughs* Fuck U Communism... Save me capitalism...

Yoshiyuki: Capitalism this! *pours Konoha some Ice water*

Konoha: I guess this is the end of the X reader. *dies drammatically*

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