Maid Cafe

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Me: Hmm..... *stares at the guys and other girls*

Them: Stop staring!

Me: I was thinking that we should make a Maid cafe just for this day....

Them: What!?

Me: Don't worry I'm the only one who is the butler here.

Everyone: .......

Me: The good thing I borrowed my maid's old cafe! So no need to worry! It's just infront if the school.

Them: What!?

Me: Now go there and start the business!


Me: Now it's perfectly good! Let's open it in 3.... 2.... 1! GO!


Kuroo: what to you girls want for today?

Girl 1: Kuroo, how about you~

Kuroo: Sorry I'm unavailable. Someone already got me.

Girl 2: Who?

Kuroo: Her *points shinji*

Me: Oi! Stop flirting them and get there orders idiot! And stop pointing me!


Me: Geez, here's your order.

Guy 1: Wow! You look awesome today Shinji!

Me: Well.. Thank you.

Guy 2: Would you like to join us in other day like watching movies?

Me: Umm...,,

Kuroo: She's not available.

Lev: Because she has many jobs for us.

Konoha: And we are her husbands.

Group (Guy 1,2,3,4,5 & 6): What? You're married Shinji?

Me: No! That was just a roleplay to my adopted daughter but she's gone now. And go back to your jobs!

Them: Hai *goes away*

Guy 3: Cool. So you wanna hang out?

Me: Su-

Yoshiyuki: Ask her big brother first!

Me: Dude seriously WTF!?

Guy 4: Uhh.... Cool jacket!

Yoshiyuki: Thanks!

Guy 5: We will join you too if you want!

Yoshiyuki: Sure! Wait what!?

Them: WOOOOOOOOHHHHHH~ we finally did it!

Trashes: Nice going Yoshiyuki.

Others: We hate you.

Aoi: I love Tobio and I don't like you.

Yoshiyuki: *looms at the corner*

Other Customers: Damn Shinji is so hot.
The best trashes are here~
I wonder if I confess to Shinji and she will accept it!
Dude, is it that Shinji? The best volleyball player? How did she got here?
OMG Tooru~
Oikawa is mine!
//insert argue about Oikawa

Me: Geez. Soo many compliments and questions.

Karasuno: Hai.

Me: I better throw the garbage now. *gets a big bad ass plastic can be fit by many people then puts Kuroo, Oikawa, Konoha, Bokuto and Lev inside the bag*

Everyone: WTF.

Me: See ya. *throws the bag at the dump*

Fangirls of the trashes: NOOOOOOOO!

Fanboys of Shinji: Damn~

Me: Oh wait.... That was the wrong bag.... Nah. Better let them go.

Kuroo: Hey stop it you idiot!

Bokuto: Lev! You're kicking my face!

Oikawa: Woah this is sure smelly.

Kuroo: Duh. Because were inside the garbage bag!

Me: *opens bag* Are you guys done arguing?

Lev: We guess so.

Me: Now. Get out.


Desuka: I'm so tired....

Everyone: Not only you.

Desuka: Why are you guys like that to me?

Everyone: We Dunno.

Me: Time's up! The cafe is now close forever! And..... I'm gonna be late for master! SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK GONNA BE LATE FOR MASTER!

Akaashi: Who is her master anyway?

Everyone: Who knows.

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