Guy's Note

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Hey! There's 9 days left and it's Shinji's birthday! And I met this girl named 'Aoi' in the previous chapters. I guess she's the new manager in shinji's school camp volleyball. I read their conversation. And Aoi's birthday is 8 days left, and this character is not actually belong to Shinji afterall. So....

Aoi ---> Jan. 22

Shinji ---> Jan. 23

So.... That's their birthday. And this Desuka, Angelo and Mary are actually Shinji's mythology characters. And I looked at their birthdays.

Desuka ---> Feb. 14 (VALENTINES DAY!?)

Angelo ---> March 15

Mary ---> July 15


And this Yoshiyuki, I guess Shinji's twin older brother? I looked in the infos of Shinji's file. He is actually a Fairy in Mythology :D I'm serious. How high is Shinji's imagination!?

Yoshiyuki ---> January 23 (same as Shinji)

If you want to know their relationships.

Shinji- Mary

Desuka-Shinji, Yoshiyuki

Angelo- Shinji, Mary

Mary- All

Yoshiyuki- All


Shinji- Desuka, Angelo, Yoshiyuki

Desuka- ANGELO.

Angelo- DESUKA.

Mary- None

Yoshiyuki- All

And here's the profile.

Actual Name: Shinji Furokawa
Mythology: Hartica Alodia
Actual Age: 24
Mythology Age: 35
Actual Appearance: black jacket, red sneakers, silver pants,dark night blue hair, blue eyes and pale skin.
Mythology: long black ponytail hair,wears a cape and a tote bag. Shinji is just a normal Human messenger or a secret hunter?
Actual Attitude: Sadist, Sarcastic, Evil and Kind.
Mythology: Friendly, kind and loves nature.

Actual Name: Desuka Ruilez
Mythology: Lloyd Gardole
Actual Age: 25
Mythology: 100
Actual Appearance: Blue green Jacket, headphones, blue pants, blue green hair and green fox eyes.
Mythology: he is a Stone Dragon.
Actual Attitude: TSUNDERE.
Mythology: Over protective, kind and nice

Actual Name: Angelo Johnson
Mythology: Vincent Rogers
Actual Age: 25
Mythology: 1,000
Actual Appearance: eye patch, red checquerd t-shirt, black pants and white shoes.
Mythology: He is the Naga.
Actual Attitude: Over protective, Nice, Smart and Friendly.
Mythology: Evil.

Actual Name: Mary Kozume
Mythology: Lenny Smith
Actual Age: 24
Mythology: 50
Actual Appearance: Very long Blonde hair, bandages covered her eyes, white t-shirt, pants and sandals.
Mythology: She's Medusa
Actual Attitude: Nice, friendly and kind.
Mythology: Evil.

Actual name: Yoshiyuki Furokawa
Mythology: Harold Dawnson
Actual Age: 27
Mythology: 80
Actual Appearance: Same as Shinji
Mythology: WINGS AND SPARKLES. HE IS A FUCKING FAIRY. (hey. I copied the infos so don't get mad.)
Actual Attitude: Same as Shinji.
Mythology: Friendly and lazy.


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