Who's Angelo?

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A/N: Okay Guys. I'm starting to call this 'AU' example 'Haikyuu!! Quest AU'. Because some of you were really confused. Now. You can get it. Enjoy the song on the right.

'Adult (Me and my friends) and Students (Haikyuu!! Characters) AU'

Shinji: YO! Who's ready for running!?

Everyone: *screams*

Shinji: Now start running!

Everyone: Hai.... *wents outside*

Desuka: Hey Shinji. Did you know?

Shinji: Oh hey. What is it?

Desuka: Angelo is a teacher here.

Shinji: Yea I know.

Desuka: What?! Did you guys met?

Shinji: Yea we met.

Desuka: You asked how's Mary?

Shinji: He said she is fine

Angelo: Hey.

Shinji & Desuka: *flinched*

Angelo: I know my left eye is gone. But why you guys still flinching when I'm here?

Desuka: Oh. Hey.

Angelo: Psh.

Hinata: Angelo-sensei!

Angelo: Hinata-kun. What are you doing here?

Hinata: Running.

Shinji: He is here for Summer School with his other Karasuno friends.

Kuroo: Shinji!

Shinji: Kuroo? Did Bokuto jumped on the pond again?

Angelo: Kuroo?

Kuroo: Angelo-sensei! *bows*

Shinji: What subject teacher are you?

Angelo: Mathematics to all highschool students.

Shinji: I think you aready know my volleyball players...


Shinji: I said I think.

Noya: Pirate-Sensei!

Shinji: Pirate Sensei?

Angelo: How many times do I have to tell you that don't call me Pirate!

Desuka: Where's your brother Shinji?

Shinji: America

Angelo: *looks at watch* I need to go home now. I have to take care Mary.

Shinji: hey wait. You and mary are already married right? (A/N: Say Wut?)

Angelo: Yea. And You and desuka too right?

Desuka: *blushed* NO!

Shinji: No.

Angelo: I got to go now. See you guys tomorrow. *lefts*

Shinji: Ah. Those memories...

Desuka: Yea. Four of us were room mates in one big room.

Volleyball Players: *watches the flashback over to Shinji and Desuka and cries*

shinji: Why are you guys crying?

Them: Nothing... *sobs*

Desuka: It's almost night time. You guys can go home now.

them: Hai... *still crying and leaves*

Shinji: See you punks tomorrow. Better not be late!

Them: *runs quickly and still crying*

Shinji: Why are they still crying? *looks at Desuka*

Desuka: *remembers about shinji and him*

Shinji: *saws the flashback and embarassed*

Shinji: *leaves while covering her face* See you tomorrow Jerk.

Desuka: *follows Shinji*

A/N: Hope you guys like it. If you wanna know the flashbacks. Comment it. Gosh. I literally missd those memories..

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