Arts and Stuffs

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Me: This idios are not good in arts!? Tsk.

Aoi: What's wrong Shinji-chan?

Me: I looked at their drawings and they looked hideous....

Aoi: I heard that you are good at drawing.

Me: I know. But how could I teach this idiots?

Aoi: Act like what you're teaching them in volleyball!

Me: Sure.


Me: Okay! I've seen all of you're drawings in this folder! *le shows big bad ass folder*

Them: *GULP*

Me: I feel pity with all of the drawings.... So I guess that I'll teach all of you!

Noya & Tanaka: *le sparkles eyes* WOOOOH!!!

Me: Let's start!

Oikawa: Did you saw my drawing?

Me: Yea.

Oikawa: Where is it?

Me: I burned it in hell.

 Oikawa: O A O



Me: How many times I said it's okay that stupid circle isn't perfect!

Hinata: I-I'm trying sis! I'm trying!

Me: What time is it anyway... *le looks at wrist watch*

Tadashi: Actually it's already 5:00 PM....

Me: T-Thanks! This watch is not really working. Anyway, Everyone!

Them: Hai!?

Me: Why are you guys shouting at me!? Are you mad!? Are you mad!?

Lev: Actually you're the one who is mad..... *whispers*

Me: Shut up russian idiot. Or I'll break you're bones or Burn in hell like what I did to Oikawa's Drawing.

Oikawa: That's so mean!

Me: Here's My drawing with my favorite Tricksters like Kuroo, Bokuto, Yoshiyuki and Desuka (Drawing on the Media XD)

Them: How long did you draw that?

Me: Umm...... 10 minutes or 3 minutes I guess.

Them: *loom* ..... Were jealous

Me: Don't be like that! Practice makes perfect anway! :D

Aoi: Shinji-chan smiled! I repeat! Shinji-chan smiled!

Konoha: Must praise that smile!

Karasuno: *crying* It's been a long time we haven't see her smile! We mised it!

Yoshiyuki & Desuka: *crying* .....

Oikawa: Too much moe!

Akaashi: Her smile is really innocent....

Bokuto: Hai.

Kuroo: *tries not to cry* *sniff* It's been a long time....

Kenma: Here's a tissue Kuroo... *le hands tissue*

Lev: I can't believe what I saw.... IT'S SOO........... INNOCENT.


Me: *Staring at her team and then walks out with her hands raised up to her face level*

Konoha: sniff..... sniff..... A-Anyway..... This is the end of the scenario.... Please.... Vote and comment..... sniff.....

Haikyuu!! Scenarios (Haikyuu!! Fanfiction) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now