Chapter Five

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AN: Chapter Five look alive! Sorry, bad opening line, I know. Anyway, we'll be starting off in Gabriel's head this chapter and then shift into Starlene's head. Hope you all enjoy! Be sure to drop some comments as you read! Now onward and forward to Chapter Five!



I opened the door to find Raine standing there.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, My King," she told me as a faint blush appeared on her cheeks, "It's just...I thought we were supposed to meet in the gardens for our evening walk."

I mentally kicked myself. Raine was enjoying the sights of the faerie kingdom and I had offered to show her around the gardens. So, for the past two nights, we'd strolled through the gardens under the light of the moon.

And with all the commotion surrounding the newly discovered contract, I'd forgotten.

"My apologies, Raine," I assured her, "I didn't mean to forget. Shall we go now?"

Raine nodded.

I grabbed my coat and we walked out to the gardens.

A cool breeze washed over us as we walked along. The gardens of the Flower Valley were stunning. Unsurprising, given the nature based magic of the faeries. The gardens were filled with oak, cherry blossom, and apple trees. There was a variety of flowers around us as well. Practically every type of flower on the planet resided here in this one garden.

"It's beautiful," Raine told me.

"You should see this place in autumn," I told her as a cool breeze blew through the gardens, "The whole garden is covered in red, yellow, and orange."

"You seem really attached to this place," Raine told me.

"I spent a lot of time here during my first few years as a King," I admitted.

Raine gasped as the petals from the cherry blossom trees fell and began to dance in the wind. Her awe made me smile. Raine was a free spirit that wanted to experience everything that the world had to offer.

I felt my heart pound in my chest. What was happening to me?

I felt Raine shiver next to me and immediately removed my jacket and placed it over her shoulders.

"Thank you," Raine told me, "But what about you?"

"I run slightly warmer than most other vampires," I replied with a smile, "The benefits of being able to control lightning."

Raine smiled and my heart started to pound again. God. What was happening to me?

Was I falling for her?

No. I wasn't allowed to.

The contract never said when you had to marry Melisande, my inner voice told me, Besides Damien promised to get you out of the contract somehow.

That was true. But could I allow myself to fall for Raine? She was beautiful and full of light. She looked at everything in wonder and she had a caring heart. I had seen her give her scarf to a cold child on one of our outings in the city of faeries.

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