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I open my f/c journal and flip to the next free page.

"Hello. Crushes are a thing now in my mind. Haven't had a crush on anyone since I saw the neighbors kid who lived down the street. He was an asshole...

But I may or may not have a crush on someone, or it could be that I haven't felt affection in years... The way he treats me is really nice. Makes me feel wanted even though I still self harm. I hope he doesn't figure out. I want him to think I'm normal. I'm what he imagines.. I want him to like me back. And maybe he does.. I don't know though.. I can't be sure.

Anyway, everyone has been great so far! Everyone has been so helpful in making me feel at home. Even though there are a few ANNOYING kids here *cough* Tobias *cough*. Let's just ignore that though. I never said anything to you." I giggle and close my journal. I look up to see Ej staring at me.

"HOLY MOTHER OF MARY AND JESUS." I fall off my bed.

"Language L/n." I frown. He always scolds me. I can't control it ahhhh.

"Y-you okay?" Ej says taking my hand and pulling me up. I nod and rub my elbow.

"D-don't do that ever again!" Fuck I'm stuttering...

"But it's fun to scare people." I can tell he's smiling.

"I need physical affection." I whine.

"people are going to think we're dating." Ej laughs. THATS EXACTLY WHAT I WANT YOU DUMB ASS


"THATS IT!" Slender pops up out of no where and pulls me towards his office. He sets me down on a chair.

"Yes Mr. Slendy Man." I giggle.

"I'm trying to work child. Calm down!" Slender scolds.

"Can I still eat?" I laugh.

"Yes..." Slender sighs.

"Thank you!" I go to stand up.

"You like Ej- do you not?" Slender says quickly. How the fuck, I mean fudge.

"Y-yeah.. well I don't know him that well yet." I can feel the heat in cheeks.

"Okay. Well you're free to go." I look at him. What the crepes?!?

I walk back to my room and look at Ej. "Where were we?"

"What happened there?"

"Slendy got mad at me for swearing too much..." I giggle.

"Oh, so why were you giggling?"

"I was writing in my journal...don't ever read this. also, I will cut off your hands if you dare touch it." I smile.

"Oh no, so scared." The amount of sarcasm has me rolling.

"You're horrible." I pick up my phone and start playing some music. I lay down and listen to the song (still feel by half alive)

"I didn't know you listen to this type of music." Ej lays next to me.

"You'd be surprised." I giggle. I turn to look at him. He took his mask off. I stare a little too long.

"I can't put the mask back on if you want-"

"NO! I uh mean, no don't." I blush.

"Okay." He lays back down and puts his arms behind his head.

"Y-you're cute." I blurt out. Slendy please help me!

"No thanks child, he's yours now!" Slender says quickly.

"Thanks!" He laughs. Jesus Christ.

"Sorry that just came out" I laugh "AYO THAT SOUNDED WRONG-"

"It's fine. I don't normally show people my face. It's nice to not have the mask on." He laughs.

"You Okay?" I move closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking."


"My past."

"Want to talk about it?"

"Not now- uh, you won't every betray me, right?"

"Wouldn't dream of it." I smile and kiss his cheek. I just want to kiss his god damn lips.

"Then kiss him!" Slender scolds

'Dude leave me and my relationship alone!' I cuddle into Ej's side.

"Hey y/n?"

"Yeah Ej?"

"Close your eyes."

"What are you going to steal one of my kidneys." I laugh.

"You want me to?"

"You wouldn't dare!" I shot up and come face to face with Ej. "H-hi."

"Hello." He smirks and grabs my head and kisses me. We fall back into the bed.

"Holy fuck." I whisper. He just laughs. I'm bright red.

I hear clapping. Ej grabs his mask and gets off of me and looks at the door. There stands The proxies, BEN, Jeff, Lj, Bloody Painter, Jason the Toy Maker, Sally and Jane.

I start crying.

"Y/n?" Sally runs up to me.

"Fuck off!" I scream. I feel someone's arms go around me. I see Ej.

"Guys, go." He glares at everyone at the door. I sob into his chest.

"I-I'm so sorry." I cough out.

"You did nothing wrong baby."


"Want me to change the nickname?"

"N-no." I let the last few tears fall down the cheek.

"You okay now?"

"No, sorry. That just triggered some bad memories."

"Want to talk about them?"

"I'm like sally. I was raped. But not just once. Maybe a good 15 times. Some by the same people, some different."

"I won't let that happen." Ej whispers in my ear. He grabs my hand and squeezes it as reassurance.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I'm Not A Bad Person|Eyeless JackWhere stories live. Discover now