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The three boys are sitting beside each other on the couch and the two adults are sitting beside each other on chairs in front of the boys. It has been quiet for the past couple of minutes with the exception of a few so's and Seokjin asking questions that are unrelated to the topic that he's trying to avoid. Taehyung promised to speak but he has been awfully quiet. He's no help at all.

"You know what?" Seokjin says, experiencing a sudden boost of confidence. "I'm just going to say it."

"Finally," Taeyoung mumbles.

Seokjin clears his throat, takes a deep breath, and speaks. "Mr Kim and I—"

"—are dating," Taehyung says.

Everyone looks at Taehyung with wide eyes and Taehyung gives a small shrug.

"[Kor] Yah! Kim Taehyung, don't lie!" Seokjin rasps.

Taehyung snickers and the boys figure out he was just joking around to lighten the mood.

"Anyway, I can assure you that we are not dating. Absolutely not. Never, ever, ever," Seokjin says, freaking out all over again because he doesn't want to upset Taeyoung.

Taehyung frowns, offended. "What's so bad about dating me?" he asks.

Seokjin dismisses that question with a wave of his hand and looks at his kids. "The truth is, me and Mr Kim—"

"Seriously, what's so bad about dating me?"

"Taehyung, shut up."

Taehyung huffs and leans back in the chair with his arms crossed. The corners of Seokjin's lips threaten to curve upwards into a smile but he holds it back. He loves this playful side of Taehyung especially because it's very rare but this is a serious conversation and the last thing Seokjin needs is Taeyoung thinking he's dating somebody. 

"Okay... so... long story short," Seokjin begins and takes a deep breath again before he continues, "I went to Mr Kim's office and I asked him if I can enrol all of you guys at his school and we discussed the fees and I asked him if he can extend the census date for me so that I have more time to settle the fees but he said no and I told him I'll figure something out but then he told me that there's an alternative where I have to work for him and in return he lets you guys study at his school for free and he also helps out with the rent."

The boys are quiet so Seokjin provides some more information.

"A—Anyway, that's not all," Seokjin says. He clears his throat, takes a deep breath, and goes on. "At first I rejected the offer because it's not right but something happened so I changed my mind and said yes and I signed a contract and a confidentiality agreement so I couldn't tell you guys about this earlier. There! I said it." Seokjin finally breathes properly once he gets all of that out.

The boys understand why their dad hid this from them but they're worried because they don't want him to overwork himself just so that he can send them to a good school. They're also quite shocked that their principal offered a deal which includes free education and rent coverage. This deal may have a lot of benefits but is it worth it? And was this solely their dad's decision?

"What made you change your mind, appa?" Taeyoung asks out of curiosity.

Seokjin pretends to seal his lips and throw the key away.

"Appa," Taeyoung whines, desperate to know now.

"That's between me and your appa," Taehyung says, casually sliding an arm around Seokjin's chair. "It's adult business."

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