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tw// addiction, mental illness, suicidal thoughts
as i said before, please correct me if theres any incorrect info!

there's an [awkward] interaction/convo between taejin and it's not related to school or work. FINALLY xD

As soon as the bell rings for the end of the day, Taehyung goes home. He sighs in frustration when he sees Kriti's car parked in the driveway but he's relieved when she's nowhere to be found downstairs. He's even more relieved to see the house so bright and clean. It's always clean as in neat and tidy but he hasn't seen the tiles glistening in ages. Everything looks so polished and new. Seokjin has done a wonderful job.

Taehyung heads straight to the kitchen and checks what's been prepared. He can't find anything but he sees a note on the fridge. It says 'Hello sir. Your food is in the fridge. I hope it's okay for the first day.' He opens the fridge and takes out a bowl that is filled to the brim with a prawn salad. He's really disappointed because he was expecting something more but there was literally nothing in the fridge so he can't complain. 

He sits on the couch and eats the salad with the TV on. Once he's done, he washes his plate and picks up the grocery list that's on the kitchen counter. He drives to the nearest grocery store and grabs the ingredients. He's really confused when he sees 'AA batteries' written on the list but he grabs it anyway. He rarely does grocery shopping so it takes him a long time to find everything.

He gets home and puts everything away. He randomly stores the cold items in the fridge and leaves everything else in bags inside the big cupboard since he has no idea where they go. Seokjin can sort all of this out tomorrow since he'll be using the kitchen the most. Taehyung will add it to Seokjin's list of tasks.

He soon goes into his room to take a shower and do some work. He sits at his desk and turns on his laptop but he realises he forgot to copy today's work onto his flash drive. He decides to change into something casual before he grabs his necessary belongings—such as his keys, wallet, and laptop—and drives back to the school. There are still quite a few people here because of the extracurricular classes so he's glad he didn't rock up to the school in his pyjamas. That would be quite embarrassing.

He goes into his office and sits behind his desk. Since he's already here, he does the work on his office computer. He's doing okay for quite some time but it's getting late and his cravings are slowly getting to him. He wants to fight it because he wants to cut down on how much he drinks but it's not easy. The longer he tries to fight it, the harder it is for him to function.

He quickly copies everything onto his flash drive and leaves—locking the door on his way out. He drives to his house and inhales deeply when he sees Kriti's car still parked in the driveway but he just ignores it and parks in the garage. He then heads inside but unfortunately she's watching TV on the couch. He walks past without sparing her a glance.

"Taehyung," Kriti says, turning the TV off. "Can we talk?"

"No," Taehyung says, and continues walking.

"It's about Seokjin," Kriti says as she stands up.

Taehyung suddenly stops and turns to face Kriti. "Do you have feelings for him?" he asks, getting a little too excited.

Kriti looks at Taehyung as if he's grown two heads. "Umm... What?"

Okay. She definitely hasn't fallen for Seokjin... yet. Maybe it's a little too early to develop feelings.

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