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[All dialogue in this scene is spoken in Korean unless said otherwise]

"How's the new job, Jin-ah? Are the kids good?" Donghyun asks his favourite employee.

"They're good, hyung. They behave well but the boy is very demanding and nosey. He's really persistent and he asks questions that don't concern him," Seokjin answers.

"Personal questions?" Donghyun asks.

"Very personal questions, hyung."

"That kid must be lacking in social skills. Otherwise he's very curious."

It's definitely the former because the 'kid' Seokjin is talking about is Mr Kim (but Donghyun doesn't need to know that). What Donghyun does need to know, however, is that Seokjin is required to work weekends at the 'babysitting' job. If Donghyun says no then it's a no and Seokjin won't complain. He'll mention it after work.

"How old are they?" Donghyun asks.

"I'm not sure but they haven't started kindergarten yet."

"Ah! Then they're still little."

"[Eng] Yep."

They multitask as they cook, prepare, and clean. Minsoo comes and goes because he's helping a little in the kitchen and also taking orders. He gives Donghyun a glare every time they make eye contact.

"Yah! If you look at me like that again then I will fire you! I'm serious!" Donghyun yells.

"Sunbaenim, I'm your best worker after Seokjin sunbae," Minsoo says matter-of-factly.

Donghyun clicks his tongue in annoyance and gives Minsoo a dismissive wave.

"Does Jaeminie like the new school?" Donghyun asks Seokjin.

"He loves it, hyung. He always talks about his day at school. He's very happy," Seokjin says. He has the broadest smile on his face.

Donghyun hums. "Kim College is a great school. My brother's friend's children study there and they have never had any absences unless they were sick. They said the teaching standard is very high and approximately 90% of the students are offered internships in professional workplaces before they graduate."

Seokjin's eyebrows arch upwards. He remembers Mr Kim saying something about this during the meeting with Jaemin. "In professional workplaces?" he asks.

"Yes. Grade 12 students who are pursuing creative subjects are given the opportunity to compile a portfolio of their works and projects throughout the years. The school reviews their portfolios and submits them to the students' preferred workplaces and industries. Selected students are offered internships to gain work experience and they get promoted to an apprenticeship if they demonstrate good skills," Donghyun explains.

"What happens to the students who aren't selected?" Seokjin asks.

"They only graduate with their VCE but if their score is good, they can go to university."

It must be devastating for those few students to face rejection before graduating but if their work isn't up to an industry standard then it's only fair for their portfolios to be rejected. Those who do get selected must be incredibly talented, though. Seokjin is sure Jaemin will graduate with his VCE, a high ATAR score, and an internship. If Jaemin decides to choose the internship over attending university if the two clash then Seokjin will support his son's decision 100%. As long as Jaemin has a dream and is working towards achieving it, Seokjin will support Jaemin until his last breath.

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