Chapter Five

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"NO! NO! NO!", Rey screamed as Ben carried her to the bathroom, "YOU ARE NOT BATHING ME!!!". Ben just ignored her and smiled. He set her on the bench in the bathroom, turned on the water in the large bathtub, and went to grab something. Rey just frowned and crossed her arms over her chest, not liking this AT ALL.

Ben came back holding a pair of scissors. "What are you doing with those?", Rey asked. "Your clothes are ruined and it would be too hard to take your pants on and off every time you need to bathe, so I'm going to cut them off!", he announced. "WHAT?!", Rey screamed, " What am I going to wear?". "I'm having some dresses mad for you to wear for now.", Ben explained as he started to cut her clothes off. "But I don't wear dresses!", Rey complained. When all her clothes were off, Ben picked Rey up again while she covered herself even though Ben was not looking. He placed her in the hot bath and stopped the water. Rey sighed at how relaxing the bath felt.

Ben took off his gloves and rolled up his sleeves, showing off his large muscles. He put a soapy mixture into the bath which made bubbles. Ben poured more soap into his hand and looked at her. "Can I help wash you?", he asked. Rey nodded and let her body relax, resting her head on the half circle that was padded for her head. Ben's touch felt good on her bruises. "How are you? I'm not hurting you am I?", Ben asked. "No, not at all.",Rey said, "it's actually quite nice.". "I'll start washing you hair now." Ben said, coming over to kneel over her head. He got a small basin that was connected to the tub and filled that with water. He gently lifted her head from the headrest and placed it in the basin. Ben made sure that her hair was fully wet before grabbing some shampoo that smelled like vanilla and massaging it into her hair. Rey sighed softly. She could get used to this. Ben rinsed our her hair, then grabbed some conditioner and put that in her hair. Ben leaned in close to her ear, "I love taking care of you.", he whispered softly, gently massaging the conditioner into her scalp. Rey smiled at him. A few minutes later, he rinsed out her hair, let the water out of tub, and wrapped a towel around Rey. Ben lifted Rey out of tub, "that wasn't so bad was it?", he asked, setting her on the bed. "No.", Rey answered. Ben smiled at her once again and left. He has a nice smile, Rey thought. Ben came back a moment later holding a casual, but pretty dress. It was navy blue, and had long sleeves that were a bit puffy, but not too much, and it had a low cut and it ended at her knees.

Rey's dress

Ben helped her into the dress

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Ben helped her into the dress. "You look so pretty.", Ben complimented. Rey blushed, "thank you.". Ben grabbed a brush from he bathroom and started to brush her hair while drying it with the towel. When her hair was fully dried, Ben braided it down her back. "I'll go order some food for us.", Ben said. He picked her up once more and carried her to the dining room and placed her in a chair. Ben picked up a data pad and tapped a few things on it. A few minutes later, two stormtroopers came into the dining area and placed some trays of different varieties of food on the table. They saluted sharply then left.

Rey's eyes were huge. She had never seen this much food right before her in her life! "Why don't you try a little bit of everything?", Ben suggested and filled his own plate with some foods. "Alright.", Rey answered. She tried a bit of chicken, steak, fish, vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, and breads. In the end, Rey was actually full, a feeling she had not felt for as long as she could remember.

She yawned. Ben ate the last bit of his dinner and looked up at Rey. "I guess it's bed time,", Ben said, "that's a good thing, you need food and rest in order to heal.". Ben stood up, grabbed their plates and put them in the sink, then picked Rey up. He kissed her forehead and Rey kissed his chin in return. Ben carried Rey back to the bed and buried her underneath the pillows and blankets again. "Goodnight, sweetheart.", Ben murmured. "Goodnight, Ben.", Rey said with a yawn. She closed her eyes and fell fast asleep.

How did you like the chapter? I'm open to any fanfic ideas! Thank you for reading!


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