Chapter Seven

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Kylo POV

After I ate lunch with Rey, I had her walk around some more. I showed her where some movies where and after she chose a few to watch, I left to maintain The First Order. However, I DID give her a good bye kiss on her cheek. That made her smile her beautiful smile at me, which gave me a warm feeling inside, which then made me smile.

I am now in a meeting with my First Order officers and of course, Hux. "We are planning to attack their base tonight, Supreme Leader.", Hux informs me. I nod my head while feeling guilty about not telling Rey about attacking The Resistance. I'll tell her later. For now, I have work to do.

3 hours later...

I walk into our quarters to find Rey asleep on the couch. The movies she picked out are all scattered around on the coffee table, and one of the movies is still playing. It's some sort of lizard documentary. Sounds boring.

I turn off the movie, straighten up the mess on the table, and turn towards Rey. I need to tell her about the attack. But how will I do that? She'll surly try to leave me again. I'll just wait until she wakes up then I'll sit her down and tell her.

I leave the sitting area and go to the kitchen to cook something. I want dinner to be special so that, hopefully, Rey will take the news well. Maybe I'll give her some wine to loosen her up, I think. I flip through the cookbook, trying to find a good dish to make. I find a dish called Ratatouille. This looks good enough.

It's a little while later and I've finally finished dinner while checking on Rey every so often. I set the table, placing the Ratatouille dish, wine glasses, and wine bottle as neatly as I can. I walk over to where Rey is sleeping and gently shake her awake.


I'm being shaken awake and groan, wanting to sleep more. I smell food and open my eyes. I see Ben and smile. "Hi, Ben.", I say with a yawn. He smiles back at me. "Hi, Rey. I made dinner for us.", he tells me. "I know, I can smell it!", I laugh. He softly snickers, then he does something unexpected, he kisses me. On. The. Lips. I kiss him back of course.

When we break apart, he picks me up bridal style and says, "let's go eat!". As he carries me to the dinning room, I play with his silky soft hair which makes snicker a bit. He sets me down in a chair and serves me a bit of the food he made. I thank him with a smile and dog in as he serves himself and takes a seat across from me.

We talk about what we did that day and about other things while we eat. I can tell that Ben is nervous but I don't know why. Just as I'm finishing my last bite of food, Ben asks me, "Rey? Can I tell you something?". "Of course you can, Ben.", I say then take a sip of wine. "You probably won't like this.", He says wearily. "I'm sure it'll be fine.", I reassure him then take another drink of my wine. I like this stuff, I think to myself. In the middle of when I'm drinking, Ben breaks his news to me. "So basically, at my meetings, I kind of...... umm.... may have planned an...... uhh.....", Ben pauses before blurting out, "attack on the Resistance that we plan to go through with tonight.". I choke on my wine and cough several times before screaming at a worried and guilty Ben, "YOU DID WHAT?! HOW COULD YOU GO BEHIND MY BACK LIKE THAT?! YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T HURT MY FRIENDS IF I STAYED WITH YOU! YOU MONSTER! I TRUSTED YOU!".

Ben has teary eyes at this point and is looking away from me, ashamed. He whispers an 'I'm so sorry', but it doesn't waver my rage. I storm out of the dining room and out of our - no - his quarters. I find out the location of the escape pods from a passing officer's mind and head there.

Ben doesn't deserve my love and attention if I can't trust him!

I hope you enjoyed this shorter chapter! I started a draft for another fanfic but will not finish it until this one is done. This Fanfic will have about 1-3 more chapters depending on how I feel the story should end. Thanks for reading!


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