Chapter Nine

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Ben's POV

"Keep firing! Destroy every last one of them!", I yell to my crew. I have practically the entire army fighting the Resistance. And I mean it! Thousands of stormtroopers fight on the ground, along with walkers. In the sky there are hundreds of TIE fighters and other aircrafts , including my personal shuttle. My knights stand in a line behind me. "And if ANYONE sees the girl, BRING. HER. TO. ME. IMMEDIATELY.", I add. I'm getting Rey back. Even if it's the last thing I do!

Rey's POV

He's here. I really don't want to see him right now.
I quickly changed out of the dress he gave me and back into my usual gray desert-style garb. Since my lightsaber is still broken in half, I'll have to use a blaster as a weapon. Then I go back to my friends. "Rey, dear,", Leia says, "I have a plan, but you may not like it.". I think for a moment. "Let's hear it", I finally say. "Well, I was thinking that if you went out there and found Kylo, you could try to negotiate a sort of peace treaty or at least try to stop him from destroying us. Do you think you could do that?", she asks.
Everyone is silent, waiting for my answer. I really don't want to see him, but if it's to save the Resistance, I will. "Ok. I'll see what I can do.", I answer. "Good luck, Rey.", Rose says, hugging me. "And, Rey, if he tries ANYTHING. Whether it be meaning to harm you or trying to flirt or kiss you at all, let us know.", Poe says. He hands me a com-link and a bottle of pepper spray. I smile a little. "We mean it!", Finn says. I snicker a bit then take the spray and com-link. "Bye.", I say, then head out of the base.

Both POV

Rey walks through the woods, which gives her flashbacks to the attack a few days ago. She is trying to go around the main part of the attack and figure a plan out on the way there. But little does the young Jedi know, she is being followed.

A twig snaps and she whirls around. Nothing. She continues on her way. Rey did not see the dark-robed figure, for he has found a way to cloak his force signature and has mastered the ability of stealth over his many years of training. He follows her until he decides it is time to make his presence known.

He creeps closer to her. Suddenly, without any warning, he grabs her around her waist and pulls her close to him. The girl struggles and attempts to break free from his grasp, but quickly stops when she realizes who it is. "You don't even know how much I've missed you.", he whispers in her ear. Rey doesn't answer him. Instead, she looks blankly ahead as if to try to ignore him or as if she is trying to find what to say.

Kylo notices the pepper spray and com-link clipped on her belt and tears them off, throws them on the ground and steps on them, breaking them. He had gotten pepper sprayed before and he had no wish for that to happen again. "I'm sorry, Rey, for everything. I really care about you. Please come back with me, and I will find a way to stop this war for good. I mean it.", he begs.

He turns her body towards him and properly hugs her. Rey looks up at him. She has such pretty eyes, Kylo thinks to himself, I love how they turn from brown to hazel when light hits them. They look deep into on another's eyes for a moment or two. "Ben,", Rey begins. Oh, how Kylo loved her saying his real name. Only she can call me that, he thinks. "I will only go with you if you end this war now. I will do anything, I swear. Just please, don't hurt my friends. They are the only family I have ever had.".

Kylo looks away for a moment. "Anything?", he asks. "Anything.", Rey says. "I can't think of anything that we could do except have some sort of political marriage.". Rey says without any moments hesitation, "I'll do it! I wouldn't even mind! You are they only one who has ever wanted me as more than a friend. You understand me, Ben. I'll gladly spend the rest of my life with you!".

Kylo is overwhelmed with pure joy. He has his true love back, and she clearly loves him with just as much passion as he does. "What are we waiting for?", he asks, "we need to spread the news! We need to set this pointless war straight! WE HAVE WEDDING PLANS TO MAKE!!!". Kylo lifts Rey up and spins her around, which makes her laugh. After her feet are on the ground once more, they do something that two supposed-to-be-enemies would have never ever done....

They kiss.

(Not my own!)

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(Not my own!)

The End

That's the end! How did you like it overall? Was the ending satisfying enough for you? Please keep in mind that this was my first fanfic! Now, I'm going back to my old routine of making a bunch of new fanfics and updating them and my current ones whenever I feel like it!

-TheSqwiggles 💜

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