Chapter Six

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Kylo POV

I walk out of my - no - our quarters. I smile at the thought that Rey will be with me forever. I love taking care of her. Now that she is cleaned, fed, and asleep, I can return to my duties as Supreme Leader of the First Order.

I walk on the main deck of the ship. "HUX!!!", I yell. He walks over to me and asks me what I need. "Where is the Resistance currently?", I demand. "We have found that they are on a rocky, currently unnamed planet.", Hux replied. "Set course for there. We will ambush them and end this pointless war.", I say, Hux nods and walks away to fulfill my orders.

I go to a bunch of meetings and make up a plan with other first order officers and generals. We plan to circle their base and check out how many people they have left for a day. Then that night, we will ambush them. We will destroy all of their ships so that they can't get away and not stop until the Resistance is gone for good.

I told the officers and generals that I chose two people that I want to give a special death to. "I want that Dameron pilot, and the traitor to be kept alive until I decide how I want to kill them.", I say. They nod and say, "yes, supreme leader.". The meeting ends. Now I need to decide how I want those two men, who are trying to take Rey from me, to die. And I think I know the perfect fate for them....

I want to burn them alive.


It's been two days. Two days since the attack. Two days since the Resistance found this unnamed planet to hid out on. Two days since Kylo Ren took Rey.

I still remember how Rey looked. She was being held in Ren's arms, unconscious. She was pretty banged up, too. Finn and I called out for her, but it didn't help at all.

The poor girl was probably in so much pain. She was probably getting tortured. She was probably being starved! Finn and I wanted to go save her so badly but Rose said that it would be impossible to since we only have one ship and less than thirty people left.

Finn, Rose and I are at dinner now but none of us got any food to eat because we are all too worried. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Leia coming over to us. "How are all of you doing?", Leia asks as she takes a seat next to us. "We're just so worried about Rey.", Finn says. Rose and I agree. "You don't need to worry. Rey is a strong girl. She can handle anything.", Leia reassures us, "Besides, one of our spies that's posing as a technician discovered that my son is taking very good care of Rey. Our spy said that she was getting the best medical treatment, full meals, clothing to wear, and is being treated like a very special guest.".

Finn, Rose, and I all sigh in relief. Rey is safe. "However,", Leia adds, " the spy found out that Kylo demanded that Rey stay with him unless she wanted her friends to die. But he overheard Kylo telling his officers that he will still destroy the Resistance, so we need to be on high alert.". I suddenly get very angry and yell, " HE LIED TO HER!!! WE NEED TO HELP REY!!!". Finn puts a hand on my shoulder to calm me down, "I'm sorry, buddy. We can't help Rey, it's too risky.", he says. Rose nods in agreement.

That poor girl, she probably doesn't even know that she is being lied to!


My eyes slowly open. I'm still in the same dark room in the same dark bed under the same dark pillows and blankets. I sit up yawning and stretching, being carful of my wounds. I look around. I'm bored. I look for Bens force signature.

Ben. I send across the bond.

Ben. I try again.

Ben! I try a little louder.It's almost like I hear him sigh.

Yes, my sweet? He answers back.

I'm awake now! I tell him, giggling a little bit.

I see that. He says. I'll come over in a few minutes to check on you.

Ok! I'll be waiting! I might try to stand if I feel up to it! I say happily, feeling confident. I can feel that Bens hesitating.

Ok, just be careful.

I smile to myself. I throw my covers off and carefully swing my legs over the bed. I take a deep breath and slowly place one of my feet on the floor, then the other. I wobble a bit and put my hands on the nightstand to help steady myself. I take a step then another. Before I know it, I'm all the way over to the dining room table! I remember reading something in the Jedi texts about force-sensitive people having the ability to heal quickly. I smile. I can't wait to show Ben!

I hear the door open from the main sitting room. It's Ben! But he can't see me since I'm in a different room. "Rey?", I hear Ben call, "Rey?!", he calls louder. I don't want to answer him just yet, I want to see how long it will take him to find me. "Rey where are you?!", he practically screams. I can feel his worry and concern coming off of him. And the strongest emotion of all: anger. I panic and call out to him, poking my head through the doorway.

Ben whips around and sighs in relief. Then in the blink of an eye, he runs over to me and wraps me in a giant hug. "Rey, don't you EVER do that to me again!!", Ben growls in my ear and hugs me tighter. "I'm sorry", I apologize, "but good news is, I can walk again!". Ben pulls away from me, and looks me dead in the eye. "I still think you should rest, you don't want to overwork yourself.", he says. "It's ok, Ben. I'm fine. Really!". "I know, Rey. Why don't we go eat lunch?", Ben suggests, holding out his hand for me to take. I give him a wide smile. "Why not?", I say and take his hand.

I know what you all are thinking...
Yes, I know I haven updated in a while, but I've just been really busy and stressed with school and all that, so I knew I kind of HAD TO update for you guys!
Btw... to make it up to you, you can tell me which fanfic to update next! (Just as a, "I'm sorry for not updating lately", sort of gift!)

Anyway, thanks for reading!!


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