The First Day At A New School

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        (Virgil's POV)

      It was the first day at school, I woke up and saw my best friend, that moved with me to Organ, sleeping on the bed by the wall across from me. I checked my phone and saw the time, it was 6:00 am. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and yawned. I got up and went to the dresser by the wall that was in between me and Logan's bed. I grabbed a black t-shirt, a Panic At The Disco hoodie and black ripped leggings, and threw them on. I walked over to the bathroom and started combing my hair, and brushing my teeth. At that moment Logan got up and got dressed. After a few minutes I walked out of the bathroom and saw Logan in a black button up shirt, black jeans, his shoes, and a classic blue tie.
      "Nice outfit, Lo," I stated with a smirk.
      "Your outfit is quite nice as well, Virgil," Logan stated. We started walking downstairs to the kitchen when we saw mom making breakfast. By the looks of it she was making waffles.

      After breakfast we grabbed our bags and headed to school. Once there we saw the front office and went up the the girl at the front desk.
      "Hello, ma'm, were new here and we would like to get our schedules," Logan stated calmly
      "Hello boys, what's your names?" The lady questioned.
      "Logan Crofters," Logan replied.
      "Virgil Black," I answered.
      "I'm sorry Virgil Black doesn't seem to be in our system, do you have a different name?" The lady asked.
      "My real name is V-V-Veronica Black" Virgil  stuttered. "Oh ok here they are, by the way, why did you say your name is Virgil first?" The lady questioned. She seemed to be the curious type.
      "I go bye Virgil, I don't like the name Veronica (sorry if your name is Veronica, but not sorry if your name is JESSICA🤣)," I answered.
      "Okay, I will e-mail your teachers of you wanting to be called Virgil," The lady smiled.

      After that me and Logan went to our first class, which was homeroom. We saw some students siting in desks and others just talking at tables. We walked over to the only open seats which were by a boy with light brown hair with a light blue streak in it, a light blue shirt, a cardigan tied around his shoulders, and glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. There was also a boy with bark brown hair with a red streak in it, a white and red Disney t-shirt, white pants, and brown boots with his feet on the table.
      "Salutations, I'm Logan and this is Virgil, May we sit with you?" Logan questioned.
      "Sure, kiddo, I'm Patton but you can call me dad!" The boy with the light brown hair squealed.
      "And I'm Roman, so what brings you to this school?" Roman questioned.
      "Virgil's mom finally got custody of him, so we got to move back here," Logan explained.
      "What do you mean?" Patton asked in shock.
      "We used to live here but we had to move to Tennessee, but we can finish high school here," Logan explained. I was sitting in my seat being quiet.
      "So you say you both used to live here, well then I've lived here my whole life and I've never even heard of a Virgil or a Logan," Roman stated, "so when did you move to Tennessee, and let Virgil answer,".
      "We moved about ten years ago," I whispered, "so can I ask you both a question?" I questioned.
      "That is a question!" Patton answered jokingly, "you can ask us questions," Patton answered.
      "So what's both of your last names?" I asked quietly.
      "My last name is Heart!" Patton exclaimed, "Patton heart!".
      "My last name is prince, Roman prince," Roman answered. A look of realized hit me like a brick.
      "O-oh," I answered shyly.
      "What's wrong?" Logan asked.
      "That last name sounds so familiar, like from when we were kids," I mumbled.
"Okay then,"Logan sighed.
"So what's your last names?" Patton asked cheerfully.
"Crofters, Logan Crofters,"Logan sighed
"Black, my last name is Black," I responded.
"Serius Black!" Roman started laughing hard.
"Haha very funny," I rolled my eyes. The bell rang, and me and the others went to our next class, which was band. (yes they are in band, DON'T JUDGE ME IM A BAND STUDENT SO BACK OFF!).

(Time skip to when school ends)

My last class was with Logan, Patton, and Roman, so while getting my stuff together Patton came up to me.
      "Hey kiddo! Do you want to come over to my house tomorrow?" Patton asked.
      "Is anyone else gonna be there?" I questioned.
      "Just Logan and Roman," Patton answered
      "Sure I'll go," I sighed. Me and Patton talked for a bit when Logan came over and told me we had to go home, so we went home after saying bye to Patton and Roman. As we walked home we talked about stuff that happened in our classes that we didn't have together.
We approached the house and saw a red car in the driveway.
      "Lo, do you know who's car this is?" I asked.
      "No I do no have any idea about who's car this is," Logan sighed.
      "Ok then, let's ask mom," I sighed. We walked into the house.
      "We're home," Logan said to no one, as we walked to the couch were Mom and a person were sitting.
      "Hey kiddos, how was school?" mom questioned.
      "It was good," Logan replied, a slight smile on his face.
      "And how about you V?" Mom questioned again.
      "It was good, we mad two friends," I sighed barely audible.
      "What are there names?" Mom asked again.
      "Patton Heart, and Roman Prince," Logan answered.
      "Oh, speaking of friends, Virgil, do you remember your old friend from when you were a kid, well his mother wanted you guys to meet again," Mom smiled and gestured to the lady next to her, "she and her sons are coming over for dinner tonight,".
      "Cool...," I sighed, "Ima go upstairs". I grabbed my bag and went upstairs, I hoped that they wouldn't know that I was a girl back then, but they will never know as long as I don't slip up.

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