Roman's Dad.

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Short A/N before the chapter, while writing the title of the chapter my mind kept going to a particular song called "Jesse's Girl" So yay for m having that stuck in my head all day now

A/N over....

Patton came back with a paper towel for Roman to get rid of his bloody nose. He cleaned up the blood that was on his face(not from a murder you people who also thought it sounded like that) and put bits of ripped paper towel in his nose. (Yes you're suppose to do that my brother has had bloody noses for a long time). We sat in the living room(or other room if your my grandparents who don't call it a living room apparently) for a while while Roman was trying to get rid of the blood on his face.
"You missed a spot," I stated as I moved closer to Roman to help him. I got the rest of the blood that was on his face off and went back to my seat on the floor in between the couch and the coffee table.
"Thanks, Vi," Roman sighed with a smile on his face. With the tissue in his nose he looked like a dork. I giggled a bit at the sight of him.
"What's so funny, kiddo," Patton questioned as he turned to look at me.
"Roman looks like a dork right now, and I think it's cute," I sighed mumbling the last word but they heard me. Patton started squealing while Logan, who was drinking water, chocked on his water. Roman's smile just got bigger.
"Really?" Roman questioned to make sure I wasn't lying or joking. I turned my attention to him and smiled.
"Yeah, I really do think it's cute," I stated with a reassuring look. If Patton could squeal even more he would, but he stared choking from over excitement.
"You okay there, dad?" I questioned. A concerned look on mine and the others faces.
"I got over excited," Patton sighed as he finished choking. I looked outside and saw that it was beginning to get dark.
      "Lo, we gotta go home before mom calls the police," I stated as it started raining. They all turned towards me.
      "Yeah.., if we don't go she will send out an Amber Alert, even though we're sixteen," Logan sighed as he got up. I got up and said bye to Patton and Roman before leaving with my hood up. We jumped in my car and went home.

      It was now poring hard and Logan didn't have a jacket.
      "Wanna borrow a hoodie? I have an extra one," I questioned as the rain got harder.
      "Yes please, that would be very helpful at this exact moment," Logan sighed as we stopped driving. It was now pitch black outside with the exception of the street lights, and the headlights. I opened up my bag and took out the spare hoodie. I gave it to Logan and closed my bag. I put the bag down and waited for Logan to put the hoodie on. Once he got it on I started up the car again. Once in the driveway we got out with our hoods up and walked to the door. I jiggled the handle and realized it was locked and my key was in my room. It didn't look like mom was home.
      "No no no no no! This can't be happening!" I screamed as I tried opening the door once more.
      "It's okay, Vi. When do you think mom will be home?" Logan questioned. I then remembered that she wouldn't be home till 4:ooAM.
      "At four in the morning! She has to work at the hospital all night!" I screamed in anger. I really needed to get out of the rain before it started thundering.
      "Let's go somewhere before it starts thundering, I know you will be petrified if it does that," Logan sighed. He took my hand and we walked to some place that Logan thought was a good idea.

      After a while it started thundering, I couldn't even stop shaking while we walked. Suddenly a car pulled next to us, it was a silver color. A man rolled down the window.
      "Hello, are you two okay?" The man questioned. It clearly wasn't common for people to be out in the rain here.
      "No, our moms not home and we forgot our keys inside our house," Logan sighed. It was the truth. The man gave us a sympathetic look.
      "Get in, I'll take you both you my house, we wouldn't want you guys to get a cold," the man stated with a bright smile on his face. We opened the doors and got into the car. We soon were at his house.

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