Not A Good Day For Vi

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       It was after breakfast and Logan and I had gone home. I went to our room and sat my stuff down to go take a shower. After the shower I wrapped myself in a towel and exited the bathroom to see Logan and Patton hanging out. I walked to the dresser and grabbed my clothes and tried to get back to the bathroom before they noticed me, but they noticed me.
      "Hey, kiddo!" Patton cheered. I didn't answer him I just continued to the bathroom. I quickly got dressed and dried my hair. I walked back into the bedroom and walked over to my bed looking down on the ground.
"Virgil, are you Alright?" Logan questioned, he looked worried. I shook my head and face planted on my bed.
"What's wrong?" Patton questioned. I said nothing, I felt like crap. Patton got up and moved over to me, "Vi, are you okay buddy?" Patton added while he started petting my hair.  I allowed Patton to pet my hair, but I didn't say anything.
      "Virgil, is something bothering you?" Logan questioned as he too moved over to me. I nodded.
      "Virgil, we cant help you if you don't tell us what's wrong," Patton sighed as he continued to pet my hair. Logan looked worried.
      "I-I don't feel g-good," I stuttered. It was a bit muffled but they heard me.
      "Do you want some water?" Logan questioned.
      "P-please," I sighed. Logan left the room and soon came back with a glass of water. He sat it down on the table next to my bed and sat on the floor next to Patton.
      "Kiddo, since you don't feel good me and logan are gonna go downstairs, if you need anything just call us okay?" Patton stated as he and Logan got up and went downstairs. I grabbed my blankets and got under them. I took the water Logan had gotten for me and took a sip. I placed it back into its spot and took out my phone. I checked the time and saw it was almost noon. I placed it next to the water and started drifting off to sleep.

      (Time skip bro)

      I woke up and saw that my room had darkened. It was so dark in the room so I couldn't do much to try and get up. I situated myself in a more comfortable position and heard a shuffling noise. It was coming from the window. Soon a person jumped through the opened window and fell on the floor with a thud. The person stood up and looked around. It closed the window and looked towards the floor. The person walked over to someone who was on the floor. The one on the floor looked at the other one and smiled.
"Dean!" The one on the floor smiled as they looked at each other. I assume it's Remus on the floor. I quietly wined since my stomach hurt and I felt like I was gonna puke. The two turned to look at me.
"Are you okay?" Remus questioned as they both came up to me. My eyes were shut tight.
"I'm not f-felling w-well," I responded quietly. They both looked at each other and looked at me. Suddenly my eyes shot open and I dashed for the bathroom. I got in there and started throwing up. It was a while before I could finally speak.
"L-Logan, h-help," I stated shakily, Remus and Dean came rushing into the bathroom and started helping me while I continued puking. After a while it finally stopped.
"Are you okay, Virgil?" Remus questioned. He and Dean looked worried. I shook my head.
"So I guess this is what Logan meant by take care of Virgil, I thought he meant that he didn't want you to be home alone because you would die, I didn't actually think you were sick," dean sighed as he grabbed me a towel to clean my face with.
      "Let's get you to bed, Vi" Remus sighed as he helped me up. I went to my bed and laid in it with the help of Remus and Dean. I got under my blankets and tried to go back to sleep, but to no surprise it didn't work.

(Time skip)

Now there was light in the room I apparently had fallen asleep. Remus and Dean were still in the floor. I tried to sit up but immediately fell back down. I grabbed my phone and checked my notifications, I had gotten several calls from Roman and a few texts from him as well. The texts he sent were ones that said: "Hey. How are you. why aren't you responding? Are you okay Vi? Virgil? Why did Logan just call Remus, and why did he ask Remus to come over so he could watch you? Virgil, I'm worried". Then the calls. I decided I would get up and go The the bathroom to answer so I didn't wake Dean and Remus up. I forsed myself to get up and grab my phone. I walked to the bathroom and sat down on the floor before calling Roman. I decided to video chat with him so he could see I was alive. It rang a couple times before he answered.
"VIRGIL! Oh my gosh you're alive, are you okay?" Roman answered. He was at school with Patton and Logan.
"I'm doing okay, how are you?" I sighed. Before Roman could answer I threw up into the toilet. I finished and wiped my mouth off with my hand. I grabbed my phone and saw Roman looking worried.
"Vi, are you okay?" Roman questioned worriedly.
"I wish you were here," I sighed as Romans head bolted up on the screen. The teachers voice coming threw the phone.
"Mister Prince! Why are you on your phone during class!" The teacher questioned.
"My friend called me," Roman answered guiltily.
"And would that conversation be more important than class?" The teacher questioned. Roman looked sad.
"It is more important to me," Roman stated shyly.
"If it's more important to you then why doesn't the whole class see who's calling you during the middle of class," The teacher stated. I could almost hear her coming up to take his phone.
"Roman, I'm okay," I sighed. The teacher snatched his phone and looked at me on the screen.
"Why hello, Virgil, why aren't you in class?" The teacher questioned.
"I'm sick, and I ether call Roman or wait till Remus wakes up to talk to someone," I responded. She took in the area that she could see threw the phone.
"And if your sick then where are you," The teacher questioned. She looked very upset.
"I'm home," I answered simply. The teacher looked skeptical.
"Then show me where in you house you are," the teacher stated with a stern look in her face. Suddenly dean burst into the room.
      "Oh thank goodness. Why are you in here?" Dean questioned. He looked relieved.
      "To call Roman, I saw that he texted me and one text said he was worried, and I didn't want him to worry about me," I answered simply. He looked at me and sighed before walking out. I turned back to the phone and saw the teacher with a smile on her face.
      "Don't call Roman during my class again," The teacher sighed, "say goodbye," The teacher added while giving Roman his phone back.
      "Bye, beautiful," Roman sighed with a smile on his face.
      "Bye, princie," I sighed and hung up, I heard an "ooo~" from Remus and Dean.
      "So are you two dating?" Remus questioned with a smirk.
      "I wish, I'll ask him later," I sighed as I got up and went to the bedroom. I grabbed my clean hoodie and put it on. I walked downstairs and got some cereal before going back upstairs where dean and Remus were talking.
      "We should set them up on a date together, they would be so cute together," Remus whispered to dean.
      "I know, they are so oblivious to how much we want them together" dean sighed. They then noticed that I walked into the room.
      "H-Hey, v-Virgil," Remus stuttered. They both looked nervous.
"What were y'all talking about?" I questioned with a smirk on my face.
"Just setting two of our friends up on a date," Dean replied.
"Which two," I questioned with a smirk still plastered on my face.
"You a-and Roman," Remus sighed as he looked at the ground.
"Y'all know I'm gonna talk to him about it after school, right?" I sighed. The look of there faces softened.
"Oh right, we still want you two to date each other," Remus stated. There was a wide grin on his face.
"Now let me eat my cereal in peace," I sighed before going to my bed, sitting on it, and eating my food

      (Time skip to when Logan gets home)

      I was in the living hanging with Remus and Dean waiting for Logan to get home when the show we were watching came to an end.
      "What do you wanna watch, virg?" Remus questioned. He and dean chose the last one we watched.
      "Let's watch Stranger Things," I stated. Remus put on Stranger Things and we watched it for a while. Suddenly Logan came in the house with Roman and Patton close behind. They were talking about something.
      "SKREW YOU MIKE! DONT BE MEAN TO WILL!" Remus screamed at the TV. I started laughing. Logan, Roman, and Patton turned to look at us.
      "What are you kiddos watching?" Patton questioned.
      "Were watching Stranger Things," Dean replied with a sigh. Remus started cursing at the TV. Logan quickly covered Patton's ears.
      "Stop cussing, Patton is here!" I screamed while chucking a pillow at Remus. He immediately stopped. I heard footsteps from behind me. I was caught off guard by someone hugging me from behind.
      "Hey, Roman, hows your day been?" I questioned. Roman smiled at me.
"It's been good. How are you?" Roman questioned.
"I'm doing better, I'm also very glad that you are here," I sighed, a small smile resting on my face.
"That's Good," Roman sighed, "so, I've been meaning to ask you something,".
"What?" I questioned. My heart was racing.
"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Roman questioned. My face lit up.
"Yes, Yes I will be your boyfriend," I replied with a bigger smile on my face.
"Should we tell the others, or do you want to keep it a secret?" Roman questioned. The others can't hear anything were saying because we were whispering.
"Let's not tell them just yet, especially Logan," I sighed. Roman hugged me even more, I hugged him back. Remus has started cussing at the TV a while ago, and he hasn't stoped.
"Are you okay, you look like you're in pain?" Roman questioned.
"Remus is hurting my ears," I sighed as I leaned my head on Roman's chest.
"Remus! Stop cussing at the TV and shut up! You're hurting Virgil's ears," Roman stated while glaring at Remus. Patton and Logan has gone upstairs since Remus was cussing. Remus shut up and say back down with Dean.
"Let's go upstairs," I sighed. Me and Roman got up and went to mine and Logan's room. Walking up the stairs me and Roman intertwined our fingers together. We entered the room and saw Logan and Patton about to kiss each other. They didn't notice me and Roman. They were sitting on the floor and now kissing each other. I hid my face away from them. They seemed to be kissing each other for a while. Me and Roman walked over to my bed and sat down. After a while Logan and Patton had finally broken apart for air. They then realized that me and Roman were in the room.
"H-hey g-guys," Patton stuttered shyly, "how m-much did you w-watch?".
"We watched enough, but next time don't kiss in our room, there's other places for y'all to kiss," I sighed. Roman put his arm around my waist. Logan then did the same thing to Patton. Me and Patton were Both visibly flustered. I exhale and curled up next to Roman. I suddenly got the feeling of I about to throw up.
"Ro, let me go, I feel like I'm gonna throw up," I sighed. He let me go and pulled me into his lap. Roman kissed me on the head

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