Virgil, first day of work.

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I woke up on the couch, apparently i had fallen asleep when we were hanging out. Roman was with me, I was laying on him. He was still asleep. The room wasn't dark like it usually was when I woke up, but it was dimly lit. I had been awake for a few hours when Roman finally woke up.

      "Good morning, sunshine," Roman sighed with a tired smile on his face. I buried my face in his neck and let out a sigh.

      "Good morning, why are we on the couch?" I questioned, it was a bit muffled.

      "Because you fell asleep on me and I didn't want to wake you up," Roman explained. The tired smile never left his face.

      "Why are you smiling, it's to early," I questioned again with a tired tone. Roman kept the smile on his face.

"No reason," Roman sighed. A thought entered my mind. What day of the week is it.

"What day is it," I questioned tiredly.

"Saturday, why?" Roman questioned. The smile still plastered on his face.

"Crap! I'm gonna be late for my first day!" I yelped as I jumped up and dashed upstairs to get ready. I quickly got dressed and went back downstairs. My uniform included: a purple button up shirt, a black vest, a black bow tie, black jeans, and my black converse. Roman looked at me confused.

"What?" I questioned with a tired glance at Roman.

"You have a job?" Roman questioned. I playfully rolled my eyes

"Yeah, as I said today is my first day and I have to get going or ima be late, bye princey," I sighed before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and walking out the door.

          (Time skip boi)

      I got to work and saw that i was just in time. I quickly got out of my car and went inside.

      "Hey, newbie, glad you got here or I woulda been stuck with Karen," one of the guys that was there said as I walked in. There were a mix of guys and girls there.

      "Hello, w-what's your n-name?" I questioned. They looked surprised that I spoke before answering.

      "My names Jim, and you are?" Jim questioned.

      "V-Virgil, my n-names Virgil," I answered. Suddenly a girl about 18 years old comes over and drapes her arms around my neck.

      "Hello, cutie, who are you?" The girl questioned. A sly smirk on her face.

      "U-uhh, i-I'm v-Virgil," I answered while trying to get her arms off of me. Thankfully the boss calls us to the back for an introduction. The girl took her arms off me and went to the back.

      "Hello everyone, this is our newcomer, Virgil," the boss, Eric, said before pausing, "he's shy so don't expect him to talk to any of you yet, Alright you can go back to what you were doing but Jim come here for a minute," he added.

      "Yes boss?" Jim questioned as he came up to the boss.

      "I want you to train Virgil, show him what to do since he is working the counter today," Eric explained, Jim nodded and took me to the front counter.

      "So here's how you work the cash register, and there is where we keep the sharpies to write on the paper cups," Jim explained as he showed me what to do, "and if you have any questions just come to me," Jim added. I nodded and gave him a small smile.

      After a while I took a couple of orders and at last someone I knew came in, or atleast a few someone's. Roman, Logan, Patton, Remus, and Dean all walked in. They all came to the counter and started to order till Roman, the last of the group in line, came up.

      "Hello, what can I get for you?" I questioned with a smirk on my face.

      "Can I get a Carmel mocha with cinnamon please?" Roman questioned, I nodded slightly and wrote his name on a cup. Suddenly the girl from earlier came over to me and draped her arms around me again. I froze, nervousness building up inside me.

      "Please stop doing th—" i started to say but was cut off by her speaking.

      "This is the first person I saw today that you haven't stuttered while talking to them, why is that?" She questioned.

     "B-because, I k-know him," I answered. She let out a exaggerated sigh.

      "Uhh are you okay, Vi?" Roman questioned. I shook my head.

      "Get this girl off me," I desperately pleaded. The girl listened and went back to work. "I'm so sorry you had to see that Ro," I said while continuing with his order. He just smiled at me like he did that morning.

      "It's not a problem seeing that, she was making you uncomfortable in a work setting," Roman sighed. He went to sit with the others. I called one by one of there coffees until I got to Roman's.

      "Coffee for, Roman" I said. I had put a small heart by his name. He got up to get his coffee and gave me a smile, "there is the cutest smile in the world," I whispered. Roman's smile never faded. He thanked me and went to the others.

      (Time skip)

      After work I quickly checked my phone before leaving, it had a text from Roman. It said 'when you get home change and go to mine and Remus's house. I love you' I couldn't help but smile at the message. I said bye to Eric and went to my car. I got in and started playing Panic At the Disco songs on full blast. I got home and dashed upstairs to get changed. Once changed and I grabbed my jacket, I went back to my car and went to romans house.

      Once I was there I parked and walked up to the front door. I opened it and saw..............

Hello fanders! Happy Halloween and shiz. What are y'all being for Halloween? Ima be a prinxiety witch fusion. And I have a cape! While watching something I thought of what Virgil would look like with a cape, like a long cape vampires and witches use. I hope y'all have a happy Halloween and an even better time eating candy. Remember be safe, don't kill for candy, be responsible with it, and if anyone steals your chocolate, cut them off of your life forever.... no I'm kidding. Okay but ghost ghouls and non-binary witches, PEACE OUT YALL!

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